
:open_book: Ignite Design System using tsup, Storybook for React, storybook-addon-a11y and storybook-addon-a11y. Monorepo with Turborepo. CI/CD publishing to Github Pages and NPM using GitHub Actions, @changesets/cli and cache with Vercel. Versioning with @changesets/cli

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


ReactJS - Ignite 2022 Project 6

📅 Ignite Call using Next.js, NextAuth.js, Next SEO, Prisma, Day.js, React Hook Form, Zod, TanStack Query, nookies, @ignite-ui/react, Google APIs Node.js Client and Google Cloud Platform. CI/CD with Vercel and PlanetScale

GitHub language count GitHub language top Made by Kalvaitir License

Demo   |   Install and run   |   License

💻 Demo


🔧 Install and run

Open terminal:

# Clone this repo
git clone https://github.com/osvaldokalvaitir/reactjs-ignite2022-project6

# Entry in folder
cd reactjs-ignite2022-project6

# Install deps with npm or yarn
npm install | yarn

# Make a copy of the .env.example file, rename it to .env and change the variables according to your environment.

# Launch the app with npm or yarn
npm run dev | yarn dev

Click to learn more about the tools used: Google Cloud Platform, Vercel, PlanetScale.

📝 License

This project is under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.

Developed with 💚 by Osvaldo Kalvaitir Filho