
a clean and simple notification, input, and selection suite for javascript, with no dependencies

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


js-standard-style Join the chat at https://gitter.im/jaredreich/notie

notie is a clean and simple notification, input, and selection suite for javascript, with no dependencies. demo: https://jaredreich.com/projects/notie

With notie you can:

  • Alert users
  • Confirm user choices
  • Allow users to input information
  • Allow users to select choices
  • Allow users to select dates

Alt text


  • Pure JavaScript, no dependencies
  • Easily customizable
  • Change colors to match your style/brand
  • Modify styling with the sass file (notie.scss)
  • Font size auto-adjusts based on screen size

Browser Support

  • IE 10+
  • Chrome 11+
  • Firefox 4+
  • Safari 5.1+
  • Opera 11.5+



  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/path/to/notie.css">
  <!-- Bottom of body -->
  <script src="/path/to/notie.js"></script>


npm install notie


bower install notie


notie.alert(alertType(Number|String), message(String), timeInSeconds)

notie.confirm(title(String), yesText(String), noText(String), yesCallback(Function), noCallbackOptional(Function))

notie.input(options(JSON), title(String), submitText(String), cancelText(String), submitCallback(Function), cancelCallbackOptional(Function))

notie.select(title(String), cancelText(String), choices(Array of Objects))

  initial: Date,
  yesCallback: Function,
  noCallback: Function

For example:

notie.alert(1, 'Success!') // Never hides unless clicked, or escape or enter is pressed
notie.alert('success', 'Success!', 3)
notie.alert(2, 'Warning<br><b>with</b><br><i>HTML</i><br><u>included.</u>', 2) // Hides after 2 seconds
notie.alert('warning', 'Watch it...', 4)
notie.alert(3, 'Error.', 2.5)
notie.alert('error', 'Oops!', 1.5)
notie.alert(4, 'Information.', 3)
notie.alert('info', 'FYI, blah blah blah.', 4)

notie.confirm('Are you sure you want to do that?', 'Yes', 'Cancel', function() {
  notie.alert(1, 'Good choice!', 2)
notie.confirm('Are you sure?', 'Yes', 'Cancel', function() {
  notie.confirm('Are you <b>really</b> sure?', 'Yes', 'Cancel', function() {
    notie.confirm('Are you <b>really</b> <i>really</i> sure?', 'Yes', 'Cancel', function() {
      notie.alert(1, 'Okay, jeez...', 2)

  type: 'email'
  placeholder: 'name@example.com',
  prefilledValue: 'jane@doe.com'
}, 'Please enter your email:', 'Submit', 'Cancel', function(valueEntered) {
  notie.alert(1, 'You entered: ' + valueEntered, 2)
}, function(valueEntered) {
  notie.alert(3, 'You cancelled with this value: ' + valueEntered, 2)

  type: 'text'
  placeholder: 'Jane Doe',
  allowed: ['a', 'sp']
}, 'Please enter your name:', 'Submit', 'Cancel', function(valueEntered) {
  notie.alert(1, 'You entered: ' + valueEntered, 2)
}, function(valueEntered) {
  notie.alert(3, 'You cancelled with this value: ' + valueEntered, 2)

  type: 'text'
  placeholder: '500',
  allowed: new RegExp('[^0-9]', 'g')
}, 'Please enter the price:', 'Submit', 'Cancel', function(valueEntered) {
  notie.alert(1, 'You entered: ' + valueEntered, 2)
}, function(valueEntered) {
  notie.alert(3, 'You cancelled with this value: ' + valueEntered, 2)

notie.select('Demo item #1, owner is Jane Smith', 'Cancel',
    title: 'Share',
    handler: function () {
      notie.alert(1, 'Share item!', 3)
    title: 'Open',
    color: '#57BF57',
    handler: function () {
      notie.alert(1, 'Open item!', 3)
    title: 'Edit',
    type: 2,
    handler: function () {
      notie.alert(2, 'Edit item!', 3)
    title: 'Delete',
    type: 3,
    handler: function () {
      notie.alert(3, 'Delete item!', 3)

  initial: new Date(2015, 8, 27),
  yesCallback: function (date) {
    notie.alert(1, 'You selected: ' + date.toISOString(), 5)
  noCallback: function (date) {
    notie.alert(3, 'You cancelled: ' + date.toISOString(), 5)

Use ES6 to inherit 'this' while using notie

notie.confirm('Is ES6 great?', 'Yes', 'Cancel', () => {
  this.location.href = 'htts://google.com'



  colorSuccess: '#57BF57',
  colorWarning: '#D6A14D',
  colorError: '#E1715B',
  colorInfo: '#4D82D6',
  colorNeutral: '#A0A0A0',
  colorText: '#FFFFFF',
  dateMonths: ['Januar', 'Februar', 'März', 'April', 'Mai', 'Juni', 'Juli', 'August', 'September', 'Oktober', 'November', 'Dezember'], // For other languages
  animationDelay: 300, // Be sure to also change "transition: all 0.3s ease" variable in .scss file
  backgroundClickDismiss: true



  autocapitalize: 'words', // default: 'none'
  autocomplete: 'on', // default: 'off'
  autocorrect: 'off', // default: 'off'
  autofocus: 'true', // default: 'true'
  inputmode: 'latin', // default: 'verbatim'
  max: '10000',// default: ''
  maxlength: '10', // default: ''
  min: '5', // default: ''
  minlength: '1', // default: ''
  placeholder: 'Jane Smith', // default: ''
  spellcheck: 'false', // default: 'default'
  step: '5', // default: 'any'
  type: 'text', // default: 'text'
  allowed: ['an', 'sp'] // Default: null, 'an' = alphanumeric, 'a' = alpha, 'n' = numeric, 'sp' = spaces allowed. Can be custom RegExp, ex. allowed: new RegExp('[^0-9]', 'g')
}, 'Please enter your name:', 'Submit', 'Cancel', function(valueEntered) {
  // submit
}, function(valueEntered) {
  // cancel

Other Methods

notie.alertHide(optionalCallback) // programmatically hide notie.alert with an optional callback function
notie.isShowing() // true if any element of notie is showing, false otherwise
