
Include map scale and north arrow to only one ggplot facet

rafapereirabr opened this issue · 6 comments

I am ploting a map using the ggplot2 and sf packages and I would like to include a map scale and north arrow to the figure using the ggsn package. Here is the problem. I want to show a figure with two or more facets but I would like to add the scale and north arrow to only one of the figure facets.

I've detailed my question here. . I'm not sure this should be created as an issue .

You can use the scalebar arguments facet.var and facet.lev, and north2 function instead of north.

Thanks for the tip Oswaldo! If I use the north2 function, however, I can't save the plot using ggsave.
Perhaps it would be a good idea to include the facet.var and facet.lev to the north function.

North symbols are added through annotation_custom and as far as I know, this function does not allow the specification of only one facet. You can replace ggsave by tiff (or png, pdf, etc).

Ok, that's a good alternative. Thank you, and congrats for the great work in this package! Abraços!

When I faced this same problem, I was able to set facet.var and facet.lev to get the behavior I wanted. It's easy enough to draw your own north arrow in after the fact using GIMP/Photoshop or some suitable alternative, if all that's holding back a ggsave() is north2.

Thanks for sharing your experience, Alex. @aakarner . The solution mentioned by @oswaldosantos sounds good enough and there is a reproducible example on SO (here). Oswaldo, it's fine with me if you would like to close this issue.