R package to add north symbols and scale bars to maps created with ggplot or ggmap
- 2
- 2
'maptools' dependency is now retired
#61 opened by nmarchio - 0
The scale bar doesn't appear on my drawing
#62 opened by liufan612 - 4
- 0
Change font
#59 opened by Spazio2001 - 0
Support for terra rasters
#58 opened by sambweber - 1
Error installing on R 4.02
#55 opened by dylancraven - 0
Scalebar with facet_wrap
#54 opened by SUsvy - 0
- 22
Error in grid.Call.graphics(C_setviewport, vp, TRUE) : non-finite location and/or size for viewport
#21 opened by caijun - 0
scalebar() unit labels are incorrect if sf data object contains a column named "label"
#52 opened by kenkellner - 0
- 15
north() with ggmap() produces "Error: annotation_custom only works with Cartesian coordinates"
#19 opened by clayms - 3
scalebar() fails: In min(x) : no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
#50 opened by marcos-lee - 3
Facets with numeric values
#31 opened by statnmap - 2
Adding ggsn into ggplot2-exts
#26 opened by Rekyt - 0
scalebar() data arg secretly requires column names that start with 'lat' and 'long'
#46 opened by DesiQuintans - 4
scalebar() fails if 'data' contains columns other than latitude and longitude
#47 opened by DesiQuintans - 0
- 2
Error in `st_geometry<-.data.frame`(`*tmp*`, value = NULL) : inherits(value, "sfc") || is.character(value) is not TRUE
#45 opened by benscarlson - 4
Compatibility with gganimate
#44 opened by famuvie - 3
Custom positioning of scalebar
#42 opened by PaulLantos - 1
scalebar on all facets
#30 opened by statnmap - 2
Error while installing on Centos
#43 opened by BrianCollinss - 7
Scalebar text overlaps scale bar
#40 opened by mattbk - 2
Scalebar but no text on scaled up map
#41 opened by argrod - 6
- 1
Package not working
#39 opened by gregor-d - 4
change color
#38 opened by math-ch - 4
Line width on scale bar in ggsn
#37 opened by omykissP - 1
- 4
Error in grid.Call.graphics(C_setviewport, vp, TRUE) : non-finite location and/or size for viewport
#34 opened by adrfantini - 0
Scalebar in miles
#33 opened by DRosenman - 4
- 4
- 2
scalebar labels in meters
#27 opened by sebdalgarno - 2
Error with coord_map
#25 opened by DavZim - 2
Error when creating scalebar in faceted plot when underlying data are simple features
#24 opened by aakarner - 6
ggproto compatibility error
#23 opened by aakarner - 7
error trying to add scale bar
#22 opened by PaulLantos - 2
using scalebar with facet_grid rearranges the facet levels into alphabetical order
#20 opened by vermouthmjl - 2
scalebar unusual behavior
#18 opened by lwasser - 6
Add a support for `sf` objects
#16 opened by Nowosad - 1
Example code not working -- "non-numeric argument to mathematical function" error
#13 opened by brianwood1 - 3
- 1
user-modifiable scalebar fill and color
#12 opened by rogiersbart - 0
Support for two variable faceting
#10 opened by junkka - 1
#7 opened by robsalasco - 4
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