
Npm package for getting live user count on your web app. No need to manage any server just embed and deploy your app.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


The purpose of using this package is to show the live user count on the current app. It uses socket.io package for managing the live user count.

Live Demo

Demo url


install liveusercount package

npm i liveusercount

or add CDN link for liveusercount

<script src="https://res.cloudinary.com/de2smuykn/raw/upload/v1622716374/live_user_count.js"></script>

install the socket.io package

npm i socket.io

or add CDN link for socket.io

<script src="https://cdn.socket.io/4.0.0/socket.io.min.js" integrity="sha384-DkkWv9oJFWLIydBXXjkBWnG1/fuVhw8YPBq37uvvD6WSYRFRqr21eY5Dg9ZhmWdy" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

VanillaJS Usage

    const config = {
            text: "Live user : ",
            backgroundColor: "black",
            textColor: "white",
            position: "absolute",
            top: "0px",
            left: "0px"

React Usage

go to user root component and inside the useEffect hook add call this function

import React from 'react';
import getLiveCount from 'liveusercount';
const RootComponent = () => {
    React.useEffect(() =>{
        const config = {
            text: "Live user : ",
            backgroundColor: "red",
            textColor: "white",
            position: "absolute",
            top: "0px",
            left: "0px"
    }, []);
    return (

export default RootComponent;

Any other module usage

import getLiveCount from 'liveusercount';
// you other code

// call in constructor or lifecycle method
    const config = {
        text: "Live user : ",
            backgroundColor: "black",
            textColor: "white",
            position: "absolute",
            top: "0px",
            left: "0px"

it will automatically generate the section for the live count on the top left of the page.


You can apply your own css on the class live-count-class.

and also you can configure some of its property in config object

Paramteter Description Default optional
text It is the text to be shown before the count Live user true
backgroundColor Background color for the text wrapper black true
textColor It is the color of the text to be shown white true
position It is position configuration for the text wrapper absolute user true
top It is top value for the position 0px true
left It is left value for the position 0px true