
Simple web http server Go application using Go Modules

Primary LanguageGo


This is an http web server implemented in Go and using Go Modules.


You can either start the application using a binary generated by go build cmd/account-service/main.go or by running a container with its image wandsilva/go-account-service-server:1.0.0. For the later, you can use the Dockerfile or get the image from Docker Hub.

If your are going to run using the binary, use a port number as the first and only argument for it. Example: ./main 3000

If you are going to run on a container, don't forget to expose and bind a port to the container. The default port used by the container is 3000, so you could use docker container run -p 80:3000 wandsilva/go-account-service-server:1.0.0.


It's a simple app for studies purposes only, so it has only one valid endpoint.

Get account info

GET on /accounts/123456