
The service was designed on a layer oriented architecture with influences from the
Ports and Adapters of Hexagonal Architecture.

It consist basically on some very well defined layers:

  • Application holds the application configuration (e.g. env vars) and its bootstrap (servers, queue consumers, etc).
  • Domain holds everything related to business logic, such entities and services.
  • Resources consists on everything related to communication with external resources, such APIs, Repositories, etc.
    This service does not need this layer, so it's not defined.

In a more robust scenario, all layers should make heavy use of interfaces, but given the little scope of this service,
only the business layer (domain/services) is using an interface in order to be abstracted and consequently decoupled.

So basically, we have the application being started and under it also is an http server that serves on the port 7000
and the route /validate, with requests being handled by the controller, which calls the service interface in order
have all the business logics applied to the request data that finally retrieves the desired information back to the
controller and so on.

  • Application -> HTTP Server -> Controller -> Service

The server also is configured to handle shutdown signals in a graceful away, so all the ongoing connections can have
time to be finished and give response to the client before the server being shutdown.


The main function responsible for the password validation uses other private functions that represent each of the
validation steps: the size and the missing required characters. It keeps a map of each Rule used to define some
criteria, so, this way, only one iteration can be done on the entire string. If the size does not match or any invalid
character is found, the iteration does not happen or stops immediatelly.


Run with Docker Compose

docker-compose up --build -d

Or with make, just run

make run

ATTENTION: if you want to edit any configuration available (such as port, timeouts and password sizes), please,
do it in the docker-compose file.

The server will expose an HTTP API at port 7000 on localhost.

Endpoint /validate Method   POST Request body example

  "password": "blaFOOabcdefg"

Response body example

  "isValid": false,
  "errors": [
    "should have at least one digit",
    "should have at least one of the special characters: !@#$%^&*()-+"

Status Code: the API will always return 200 for succeeded requests, even for invalid passwords. But it can also return 400 for bad request.


Unit tests are made using the pattern of table tests, which facilitates the reading of inputs and expected outputs based on each scenario.

To run unit tests (including race condition), execute

make test/unit

To run integration tests (including race condition), execute

make test/integration

Or run both at once with

make test/all