- 20
Update "latest release" - sshfs for macFUSE
#64 opened by tormodwill - 7
- 3
- 11
Is this project dead?
#82 opened by Danathar - 2
How to uninstall SSHFS from mac os
#81 opened by kamel1239 - 1
- 4
M2 Macbook pro Apple Slilicon SSHFS
#83 opened by apresley13 - 2
sshfs memory leak at idle
#66 opened by akissz - 5
sshfs extremely slow file transfers
#47 opened by jeffreydlong - 0
[New Feature Required]
#80 opened by CreatorZZY - 1
sshfs command on a new directory fails because the directory "is itself on a macFUSE volume", and then the new directory cannot be deleted.
#71 opened by DanielPBak - 5
Mac OS upgrade to Big Sur broke SSHFS
#68 opened by achhabr1 - 5
- 1
Any way to mount a remote as the internal drive?
#76 opened by mrdc - 1
- 0
- 0
Problem write apple file
#74 opened by tetesh - 4
- 1
MacFuse 4.2.1 works on Big Sur 11.6 perfectly! None work on Monterey beta5 or Later.
#70 opened by castiellian - 0
Apple Silicon Support
#73 opened by robd003 - 1
Is there a plan for Monterey support?
#72 opened by daynefiler - 2
is sshfs will be compatible with Apple M1 ?
#62 opened by khl3o - 2
Update to newer libfuse/sshfs?
#45 opened by dgonyier - 2
How to install on M1 (Big Sur) using homebrew?
#65 opened by kostrykin - 0
- 0
Update link on your website
#61 opened by gu-ma - 0
Can't copy folders - only individual files.
#60 opened by jonpage0 - 3
Mounts but not available
#59 opened by ekkis - 1
ls: Operation not permitted
#56 opened by cybersn-tdeyarmin - 1
- 2
Fuse 3.10.4 not working with MacOS Catalina
#54 opened by knowledgelist - 8
Not compatible with macOS Catalina
#53 opened by sjquon - 2
Memory Leak?
#43 opened by diktomat - 1
SSHFS returns missing host
#49 opened by Lite5h4dow - 0
- 5
Can't open files and folders with Umlaut
#48 opened by raumi75 - 0
Permissions on mounted not set correctly
#51 opened by drmowinckels - 1
Cannot delete empty directory
#35 opened by sporring - 2
Mount not work on macOS 10.14 beta
#46 opened by vtyrtov - 6
outdated osxfuse despite updating
#42 opened by wjakethompson - 0
Not specifying the mount location gives segmentation fault error instead of a more intelligible one
#44 opened by NightMachinery - 1
- 2
How to name mounted drive?
#34 opened by johnyradio - 0
Changelog outdated
#40 opened by realgeek - 0
- 0
Download links for the 2.5.0 release are flagging security warnings in the browser
#38 opened by Upperholme - 2
SSHFS slow
#33 opened by guardiande - 0
- 0
sshfs: type of file differs from mountpoint
#36 opened by ashishkataria - 0
cannot access some files
#32 opened by dportabella