- 1
astro-eslint-parser fails to parse react-toastify module: parser.parse is not a function
#452 opened by corneliusroemer - 2
- 3
Document how to add eslint-plugin-react
#388 opened by JanMisker - 0
sort-attributes rule generates invalid markup
#444 opened by stefanprobst - 3
(doc): use starlight for the doc
#429 opened by Foxeye-Rinx - 1
Sort Attributes rule
#417 opened by azat-io - 0
Parsing error, if the script tag is placed between frontmatter and html code
#414 opened by fullstackjunior - 3
@typescript-eslint/types dependency should support typescript-eslint@8
#411 opened by JoshuaKGoldberg - 1
docs: update typescript-eslint suggestion?
#404 opened by braden-w - 5
[parsing error] Typescript Parsing errors silently on `<script>` tags. Requires `--debug`. (`ESLint was configured to run on... .astro/1_2.ts`, TSConfig does not include this file )
#402 opened by alexrecuenco - 0
- 2
Incompatibility with `typescript-eslint`, "You have used a rule which requires parserServices to be generated"
#393 opened by alexrecuenco - 2
- 1
Extract <style> into virtual files
#392 opened by tinchoz49 - 1
Parsing error: 'return' outside of function
#389 opened by smnbbrv - 1
- 1
1.1.0 breaks `tsc` with `error TS1005`
#375 opened by riywo - 3
- 6
feat: Documentation for Manual Flat Config Setup
#370 opened by Mitsunee - 5
Add new rule: disallow-exports-from-components
#330 opened by thehereward - 0
Default export of an Astro component has a type `any`
#348 opened by nix6839 - 1
- 0
Using glob patterns in `project` key does not work.
#342 opened by nix6839 - 1
no-shadow in astro file
#339 opened by cdtut - 2
Parsing error: unknown token
#337 opened by endymion1818 - 3
New rule for client:only directive to have a value depending on the framework used
#316 opened by oanaOM - 8
Support for Flat Config
#241 opened by JosefJezek - 1
- 2
Error when I use Chinese
#311 opened by GreedyWhale - 2
- 3
Missing lint errors on <script>
#308 opened by erikschul - 3
docs: Add `parser: "@typescript-eslint/parser",`
#299 opened by erikschul - 2
Add support for Typed Linting in script tags
#240 opened by wtchnm - 2
- 10
- 5
- 1
Docs site renders : book : instead of :book:
#289 opened by JoshuaKGoldberg - 10
- 2
Question: what’s the best scope to address missing default export of Astro components?
#275 opened by arty-name - 0
document cause no-undef error
#283 opened by cdtut - 6
Parse errors in imported module 'http-status-codes': parser.parse is not a function (undefined:undefined)
#274 opened by arty-name - 1
Trouble with prettier (Parsing error: `import` can only be used in `import()` or `import.meta`)
#261 opened by tschaub - 4
is:raw Parsing error: Invalid character
#257 opened by FDiskas - 1
- 1
Not detecting `prefer-class-list-directive` errors
#233 opened by jhilker98 - 2
Warning position is wrong when the warning is in script and TypeScript parser is used
#219 opened by sapphi-red - 2
Attempts to validate JSON script tags
#210 opened by SudoCat - 1
ESLint Prettier and Astro Configuration Causes Error with Quick Fix Code Action
#203 opened by miller-productions - 1
Non-exported Props interface/type shouldn't be flagged by no-unused-vars
#194 opened by JoshuaKGoldberg - 2
Rule for single quote
#193 opened by erupturatis