
Annotation & Description


@BindView Binds view object. TextView, Button, Spinner or any view object

@BindView(R.id.logo) ImageView imgLogo;

@BindViews Binds array of views into List

@BindViews({R.id.lbl_name, R.id.lbl_email, R.id.lbl_address}) List lblArray;

@BindDrawable Binds drawable element. Loads the drawable image from res folder

@BindDrawable(R.mipmap.ic_launcher) Drawable drawableLogo;

@BindString Binds string resource

@BindString(R.string.app_name) String appName;

@BindColor Binds color resource

@BindColor(R.color.colorPrimaryDark) int colorTitle;

@BindDimen Binds dimen resource

@BindDimen(R.id.padding_hori) float paddingHorizontal;

@BindAnim Binds animation from anim resource

@BindAnim(R.anim.move_up) Animation animMoveUp;

@BindBitmap Binds bitmap object.

@BindBitmap(R.mipmap.ic_launcher) Bitmap logo;

@BindFont Binds font resource

@BindViews({R.id.lbl_name, R.id.lbl_email, R.id.lbl_address}) List lblArray;

@BindFloat Binds float value

@BindFloat(R.dimen.radius) float radius;

@BindInt Binds int resource

@BindInt(R.integer.distance) int distance;