Pure Swift JSON encoding/decoding library

Primary LanguageSwiftApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Version Platforms Languages License Carthage compatible CocoaPods

PMJSON provides a pure-Swift strongly-typed JSON encoder/decoder as well as a set of convenience methods for converting to/from Foundation objects and for decoding JSON structures.

The entire JSON encoder/decoder can be used without Foundation, by removing the files ObjectiveC.swift and DecimalNumber.swift from the project. The only dependency the rest of the project has is on Darwin, for strtod() and strtoll(). The file ObjectiveC.swift adds convenience methods for translating between JSON values and Foundation objects as well as decoding from an NSData, and DecimalNumber.swift adds convenience accessors for converting values into NSDecimalNumber.



The JSON decoder is split into separate parser and decoder stages. The parser consums any sequence of unicode scalars, and produces a sequence of JSON "events" (similar to a SAX XML parser). The decoder accepts a sequence of JSON events and produces a JSON value. This architecture is designed such that you can use just the parser alone in order to decode directly to your own data structures and bypass the JSON representation entirely if desired. However, most clients are expected to use both components, and this is exposed via a simple method JSON.decode(_:strict:).

Parsing a JSON string into a JSON value is as simple as:

let json = try JSON.decode(jsonString)

Any errors in the JSON parser are represented as JSONParserError values and are thrown from the decode() method. The error contains the precise line and column of the error, and a code that describes the problem.

A convenience method is also provided for decoding from an NSData containing UTF8-encoded data:

let json = try JSON.decode(data)

Encoding a JSON value is also simple:

let jsonString = JSON.encodeAsString(json)

You can also encode directly to any OutputStreamType:

JSON.encode(json, toStream: &output)

And, again, a convenience method is provided for working with NSData:

let data = JSON.encodeAsData(json)


Besides encoding/decoding, this library also provides a comprehensive suite of accessors for getting data out of JSON values. There are 4 types of basic accessors provided:

  1. Basic property accessors named after types such as .string. These accessors return the underlying value if it matches the type, or nil if the value is not the right type. For example, .string returns String?. These accessors do not convert between types, e.g. JSON.Int64(42).string returns nil.
  2. Property accessors beginning with the word as, such as .asString. These accessors also return an optional value, but they convert between types if it makes sense to do so. For example, JSON.Int64(42).asString returns "42".
  3. Methods beginnning with get, such as getString(). These methods return non-optional values, and throw JSONErrors if the value's type does not match. These methods do not convert between types, e.g. try JSON.Int64(42).getString() throws an error. For every method of this type, there's also a variant ending in OrNil, such as getStringOrNil(), which does return an optional. These methods only return nil if the value is null, otherwise they throw an error.
  4. Methods beginning with to, such as toString(). These are just like the get methods except they convert between types when appropriate, using the same rules that the as methods do, e.g. try JSON.Int64(42).toString() returns "42". Like the get methods, there are also variants ending in OrNil.

JSON also provides both keyed and indexed subscript operators that return a JSON?, and are always safe to call (even with out-of-bounds indexes). And it provides 2 kinds of subscripting accessors:

  1. For every basic get accessor, there's a variant that takes a key or an index. These are equivalent to subscripting the receiver and invoking the get accessor on the result, except they produce better errors (and they handle missing keys/out-of-bounds indexes properly). For example, getString("key") or getString(index). The OrNil variants also return nil if the key doesn't exist or the index is out-of-bounds.
  2. Similarly, there are subscripting equivalents for the to accessors as well.

And finally, the getObject() and getArray() accessors provide variants that take a closure. These variants are recommended over the basic accessors as they produce better errors. For example, given the following JSON:

    "object": {
        "elements": [
                "name": null

And the following code:

try json.getObject("object").getArray("elements").getObject(0).getString("name")

The error thrown by this code will have the description "name: expected string, found null".

But given the following equivalent code:

try json.getObject("object", { try $0.getArray("elements", { try $0.getObject(0, { try $0.getString("name") }) }) })

The error thrown by this code will have the description "object.elements[0].name: expected string, found null".

All of these accessors are also available on the JSONObject type (which is the type that represents an object).


The JSON type has static methods map() and flatMap() for working with arrays (since PMJSON does not define its own array type). The benefit of using these methods over using the equivalent SequenceType methods is the PMJSON static methods produce better errors.

There are also helpers for converting to/from Foundation objects. JSON offers an initializer init(ns: AnyObject) throws that converts from any JSON-compatible object to a JSON. JSON and JSONObject both offer the property .ns, which returns a Foundation object equivalent to the JSON, and .nsNoNull which does the same but omits any null values instead of using NSNull.


The test suite includes some basic performance tests. Decoding ~70KiB of JSON using PMJSON takes about 2.5-3x the time that NSJSONSerialization does, though I haven't tested this with different distributions of inputs and it's possible this performance is specific to the characteristics of the test input. However, encoding the same JSON back to an NSData is actually faster with PMJSON, taking around 75% of the time that NSJSONSerialization does.


Installing as a framework requires a minimum of iOS 8, OS X 10.9, watchOS 2.0, or tvOS 9.0.



To install using Carthage, add the following to your Cartfile:

github "postmates/PMJSON" ~> 0.9

To install using [CocoaPods][], add the following to your Podfile:

pod 'PMJSON', '~> 0.9'

Once installed, you can use this by adding import PMJSON to your code.

Swift Package Manager

When using a recent Swift development snapshot, the Swift Package Manager may be used to install PMJSON by adding it to your dependencies list:

let package = Package(
    name: "YourPackage",
    dependencies: [
        .Package(url: "https://github.com/postmates/PMJSON.git",
                 versions: Version(major: 0, minor: 9, patch: 3)..<Version(major: 0, minor: 10, patch: 0))


Licensed under either of


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.

Version History


  • Add setters for basic accessors so you can write code like json["foo"].object?["key"] = "bar".
  • Add optional NSError userInfo provider for JSONError. Setting this up requires calling JSONError.registerNSErrorUserInfoProvider().

v0.9.3 (2016-05-23)

  • Add a set of convenience methods on JSON and JSONObject for mapping arrays returned by subscripting with a key or index: mapArray(_:_:), mapArrayOrNil(_:_:), flatMapArray(_:_:), and flatMapArrayOrNil(_:_:).
  • Add new set of convenience JSON initializers.
  • Change description and debugDescription for JSON and JSONObject to be more useful. description is now the JSON-encoded string.
  • Implement CustomReflectable for JSON and JSONObject.

v0.9.2 (2016-03-04)

  • CocoaPods support.

v0.9.1 (2016-02-19)

  • Linux support.
  • Swift Package Manager support.
  • Rename instances of plist in the API to ns. The old names are still available but marked as deprecated.
  • Support the latest Swift snapshot (2012-02-08).

v0.9 (2016-02-12)

Initial release.