
Google Chrome Extension for JSON -> Objective C Dictionary Literal format conversion

Primary LanguageJavaScript


JSON → Objective-C Dictionary Literal

Some frontend and packaging on top of @ngs's modified JSON2.js (Dictionary.js) for use as a Chrome App.

Ref: http://ngs.io/blog/2012/07/26/generating-objc-literals-from-json/

I thought it would be nice to have this avaialble as a Chrome App, but Google rejected it... here's what they told me:

Your Google Chrome item, "JSODict," with ID: dakhhkcecgmennlnphiialbbmnbmjefo did not comply with our policies on Spam and was removed from the Google Chrome Web Store.

There's no Spam in here. Apart from dissecting large bodies of TOS text, I have no further details on how to fix this. Therefore, this tool is available here: otanistudio.github.io/jsodict