
µ network client

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Simple and lightweight network client which can be used by all sorts of projects.


The main components are:

  • NetworkClient: The network client itself. The client is a concrete implementation of the NetworkClientProtocol protocol.
  • NetworkRequest: The request definition.
  • NetworkResponse: The network response, containing both the URLResponse and the decodable response.
  • NetworkConfiguration: The network client configuration.

Network Client

The network client interface is initialized with its configuration, NetworkConfiguration, and contains a method which performs the network request, NetworkClientProtocol.run(_:).

public protocol NetworkClientProtocol {
    init(configuration: NetworkConfiguration)

    func run<RequestModel, ResponseModel>(
        _ networkRequest: NetworkRequest<RequestModel, ResponseModel>
    ) async throws -> NetworkResponse<ResponseModel>

Network Request

The network request contains two types, RequestModel and ResponseModel. These types conform to Encodable and Decodable protocols, respectively.

public struct NetworkRequest<
> where RequestModel: Encodable, ResponseModel: Decodable

The network request can be initialized with several properties, most of them optional, used to override the network configuration when applicable. E.g., the network client might need to use a different decoder or encoder for the request, or might require additional headers.

Network Response

As previously mentioned, the network request contains both the original URLResponse and the payload decodable to ResponseModel.

public struct NetworkResponse<ResponseModel> {
    public let value: ResponseModel
    public let response: URLResponse


The network client can be configured with default encoders and decoders, hostname, session, etc...

public final class NetworkConfiguration {

    /// The session used to perform the network requests.
    public let session: URLSession

    /// The default JSON decoder. It can be overwritten by
    /// individual requests, if necessary.
    public let defaultDecoder: JSONDecoder

    /// The default JSON encoder. It can be overwritten by
    /// individual requests, if necessary.
    public let defaultEncoder: JSONEncoder

    /// The base URL component.
    /// E.g., `https://hostname.com/api/v3`
    public let baseURL: URL

    /// The interceptor called right before performing the
    /// network request. Can be used to modify the `URLRequest`
    /// if necessary.
    public var interceptor: ((URLRequest) -> URLRequest)?

Building Requests

Requests are built by creating NetworkRequest instances. Below, a simple GET requests which retrieves a list of posts bookmarked by the user. The network response is PostsResponse, which conforms to the Decodable protocol.

let request = NetworkRequest<VoidRequest, PostsResponse>(
    path: "/posts/bookmarks",
    method: .get

The NetworkRequest allows custom encoders and decoders for the request, overriding the default ones from the NetworkConfiguration.

public struct NetworkRequest<
> where RequestModel: Encodable, ResponseModel: Decodable {

    /// The request `/path`, used in combination with the
    /// `NetworkConfiguration.baseURL`.
    public let path: String?

    /// The HTTP request method.
    public let method: HTTPMethod

    /// The query URL component as an array of name/value pairs.
    public let queryItems: [URLQueryItem]?

    /// The data sent as the message body of a request as
    /// form item as for an HTTP POST request.
    public let formItems: [URLFormItem]?

    /// The base URL used for the request. If present, it overrides
    /// `NetworkConfiguration.baseURL`.
    public let baseURL: URL?

    /// The data sent as the message body of a request, such
    /// as for an HTTP POST request.
    public let body: RequestModel?

    /// The decoder used to decode the `ResponseModel`. If not not
    /// specified `NetworkConfiguration.defaultDecoder`.
    /// is used instead.
    public let decoder: JSONDecoder?

    /// The encoder used to encode the `RequestModel`. If not not
    /// specified `NetworkConfiguration.defaultEncoder`.
    /// is used instead.
    public let encoder: JSONEncoder?

    /// A dictionary containing additional header fields
    /// for the request.
    public let additionalHeaders: [String: String]?

Performing Requests

A network requests is performed by calling NetworkClientProtocol.run(_:).

// Returns NetworkRequest<VoidRequest, PostsResponse>
let bookmarksRequest = PostsAPIFactory.makeBookmarksRequest()

// Returns NetworkResponse<PostsResponse> 
let bookmarksResponse = try await client.run(bookmarksRequest)


  • MicroblogAPI uses MicroClient to access Micro.blog APIs. It also implements photo upload - multipart/form-data - using MicroClient.
  • MicroPinboardAPI uses MicroClient to access Pinboard's APIs.
  • MicropubAPI uses MicroClient to access Micropub APIs.