
Telegram bot that notifies the user when a new property that corresponds to their query was added to Immoweb.

Primary LanguagePython

Immoweb Telegram bot

Telegram bot that notifies the user when a new property that corresponds to their query was added to Immoweb.


The only requirement is having the requests library installed.

pip install requests


Make a new file in the main directory called config.py with the following structure:

config = {
    'token': '',
    'chat_id': '',
    'url': 'for example https://www.immoweb.be/en/search-results/house/for-rent?orderBy=newest'

To add a new bot on Telegram, start a conversation with @BotFather and send the message /newbot. Choose the desired name of how you want your notifier to be called aswell as the desired username. Copy the token and paste it in the config.py file.

To obtain the chat_id of the chat you want your bot to be in, add your freshly created bot to a group, send a message to this group starting with /, go to api.telegram.org/bottoken/getUpdates and there you can get the chat_id (I followed this guide).

Go to Immoweb, search what you want to monitor, click on sort by new, copy the url and change the /search/ to /search-results/. Put this url in the config.py file.


Start the bot by running the script.py file.