GitStars is a small app that will list the most starred Github repos that were created in the last 30 days using data fetched from the GitHub API.
To develop this app I have used Swift 4, the new de facto programming language for iOS. That is in addition to the many libraries it provides with core functionalities such as the date etc.
Along with Swift, I have used CocoaPods which provides "pods" such as Alamofire for networking and communicating with the API, SwiftyJSON to parse the JSON response and SVProgressHUD to enhance the user experience while data is loading.
In addition, I used XCode 9.3 as an IDE to develop my app which made it really easy to design the UI and also made the app compatible with the latest versions of iOS.
To get the most starred Github repos created in the last 30 days (relative to 2017-11-22) I call the following endpoint :>2017-10-22&sort=stars&order=desc
You can read more about the Github API over here.
This is an example run of the app from 28/05/2018:
If you have any questions or feedback about my app, feel free to contact me: 📧