
Update your outdated npm packages interactively.


% cd your-project
% npx dateup

The dateup command checks outdated packages and suggests npm install command you would like to run. Don't worry, it doesn't change, destroy, nor crash anything.


We often do something like below:

# Check outdated
% npm outdated
Package                             Current    Wanted    Latest
@actions/core                         1.9.1    1.10.0    1.10.0
@actions/github                       5.0.0     5.1.1     5.1.1
@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core    1.2.36    1.2.36     6.2.1
@fortawesome/free-brands-svg-icons   5.15.4    5.15.4     6.2.1

# Then update
% npm install --save-dev \
   @actions/core@1.10.0 \
   @actions/github@5.1.1 \
   # and more ...

The dateup just makes this process interactive and frees you from copy-n-pasting package names and their versions.