
Django app for City of Helsinki user infrastructure

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause

Build status codecov Requirements

Django app for City of Helsinki user infrastructure


First, install the pip package.

pip install django-helusers

Second, implement your own custom User model in your application's models.py.

# users/models.py

from helusers.models import AbstractUser

class User(AbstractUser):

Configuration of the auth provider

  • Add social-auth-app-django to your requirements.in or requirements.txt file and install the package.
  • Add helusers and social_django to the INSTALLED_APPS setting:

Note helusers must be the first one in the list to properly override the default admin site templates.

  • Configure the following settings:

AUTH_USER_MODEL = 'users.User'
  • If you need to be able to control Tunnistamo login process language, add also setting

fi there is the language code that will be used when no language is requested, so change it if you you prefer some other default language. If you don't want to set a default language at all, use an empty string "" as the language code.

When that setting is in place, languages can be requested using query param ui_locales=<language code> when starting the login process, for example in your template

<a href="{% url 'helusers:auth_login' %}?next=/foobar/&ui_locales=en">Login in English</a>
  • Add URLs entries (to <project>/urls.py):
urlpatterns = patterns('',
    path('', include('social_django.urls', namespace='social'))
  • Configure your client ID, secret and OIDC endpoint locally (for example in local_settings.py):
TUNNISTAMO_BASE_URL = 'https://tunnistamo.example.com'
SOCIAL_AUTH_TUNNISTAMO_KEY = 'abcd-12345-abcd-12356789'
SOCIAL_AUTH_TUNNISTAMO_SECRET = 'abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234'
  • Set the session serializer to PickleSerializer

helusers stores the access token expiration time as a datetime which is not serializable to JSON, so Django needs to be configured to use the built-in PickeSerializer:

SESSION_SERIALIZER = 'django.contrib.sessions.serializers.PickleSerializer'

Configuration of the API authentication (using JWT tokens)

  • Configure REST framework to use the ApiTokenAuthentication class in settings.py:
  • Set your deployment-specific variables in local_settings.py, e.g.:
    'AUDIENCE': 'https://api.hel.fi/auth/projects',
    'API_SCOPE_PREFIX': 'projects',
    'ISSUER': 'https://api.hel.fi/sso/openid'

Context processor

If you need to access the Tunnistamo API from your JS code, you can include the Tunnistamo base URL in your template context using helusers's context processor:

        'OPTIONS': {
            'context_processors': [

Disabling password logins

If you're not allowing users to log in with passwords, you may disable the username/password form from Django admin login page by setting HELUSERS_PASSWORD_LOGIN_DISABLED to True.