
Terminal based YouTube player and downloader

Primary LanguagePython


NOTE: THIS REPOSITORY IS A FORK OF mps-youtube as mps-youtube has been unmaintained for almost a year now. ===========


  • Search and play audio/video from YouTube
  • Search tracks of albums by album title
  • Search and import YouTube playlists
  • Create and save local playlists
  • Download audio/video
  • Convert to mp3 & other formats (requires ffmpeg or avconv)
  • View video comments
  • Works with Python 3.x
  • Works with Windows, Linux and Mac OS X
  • Requires mplayer or mpv

This project is based on mps, a terminal based program to search, stream and download music. This implementation uses YouTube as a source of content and can play and download video as well as audio. The pafy library handles interfacing with YouTube.

FAQ / Troubleshooting common issues



A standard search is performed by entering / followed by search terms.

You can play all of the search results by giving 1- as input

Repeating song/songs can be done with song_number[loop], for example: 1[3] or 4-6[2]

Local Playlists


Search result items can easily be stored in local playlists.

YouTube Playlists


YouTube playlists can be searched and played or saved as local playlists.

A playlist search is performed by // followed by search term.



Content can be downloaded in various formats and resolutions.



A basic comments browser is available to view YouTube user comments.

Music Album Matching



An album title can be specified and mps-youtube will attempt to find matches for each track of the album, based on title and duration. Type help search for more info.



Search results can be customised to display additional fields and ordered by various criteria.

This configuration was set up using the following commands:

set order views
set columns user:14 date comments rating likes category:9 views

Type help config for help on configuration options



Note: ~/.local/bin should be in your PATH for --user installs.

To install the experimental development version and try the latest features:

$ pip3 install --user -U git+https://github.com/otisdog8/termitube.git

Installing youtube-dl is highly recommended:

$ pip3 install --user youtube-dl
and to upgrade:
$ pip3 install --user youtube-dl --upgrade

(youtube-dl version dowloaded directly from youtube-dl website can't be used by mps-youtube. While the version in the repositories is usually outdated)

For mpris2 support, install the python bindings for dbus and gobject:

$ pip3 install --user dbus-python pygobject

Additional Docker notes

If you would like to locally build the container you can run the following steps

Check out this repo:

git clone https://github.com/otisdog8/termitube.git

Enter the directory and run docker build:

cd termitube
sudo docker build -t mpsyt .

Now run the container interactively with:

sudo docker run -v /dev/snd:/dev/snd -it --rm --privileged --name mpsyt mpsyt

In order to have access to the local sound device (/dev/snd) the container needs to be privileged.


termitube is run on the command line using the command:


Enter h from within the program for help.

How to Contribute

Contributions are welcomed! However, please check out the contributing page before making a contribution.