Otis Scott
This is the current iteration of my pong game written in python using the turtle library to draw
the UI. The program is completely finished to the specifications outlined in the assignment.
I did take some artistic liberties in making the background of the game full black and the ball,
paddles, and score. I also added a box at the top in which the score is displayed so it didn't
get in the way of the game. I am planning on further improving the physics engine by making the
velocity of the paddles affect the angle of the ball after hitting them. Otherwise I am
satisfied with the result.

Looking back on the assignment I would be wise to read the requirements for the project better
since I had a working, finished version that unfortunately did not meet the requirements outlined
in the assignment. Generally though, the assignment was not very difficult. I completed the
program in around 3 hours discounting the time taken adding the features that I later had to
remove in order to meet the requirements.

Generally I believe that the instructions were clear and I was given all the support I needed as
I did not need any support. The assignment was interesting, especially since I had never written
a game or a software GUI. Prior to this class I only did webdesign and commandline based python