#React UIKit Overlay
Create an image overlay.
See http://otissv.github.io/react-uikit-components/ for docs.
##Usage The master branch has been updated to React 15. To use with React 0.14 checkout 0.14 branch.
UIkit css is not included. You can get it from getuikit.com
###Installation npm install react-uikit-overlay --save;
// ES6
import Overlay from 'react-uikit-overlay';
// ES5
var Overlay = require('react-uikit-overlay').default;
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npm run test
to run tests with minimal output.
npm run test:spec
to run tests with detailed output.
npm run test:watch
watches all directories and run tests with minimal output on file changes.
npm run build
to build files fro distribution.
npm run build:watch
watches src directory and builds files on changes.
npm run lint
lints scripts in src directory.
npm run lint:watch
watches src directory and lints scripts in src directory.
##License MIT