
Generates configuration files from templates

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


dynaconf reads environment variables and generates configuration files from templates. Templates are expressed in the Go template format. See http://golang.org/pkg/text/template/ for more information.


go get github.com/otm/dynaconf


go install github.com/otm/dynaconf


dynaconf [options] -template template:outfile[:actions]


Actions can be one of the following:

  • validate=json - validates output as JSON
  • exec=command - run command after the configuration is created


All options are optionally except for template

  • dry-run=false: Output result to stdout instead of files
  • log-files=false: Log files written to disk
  • param=[]: Parameters to use when generating configuration
  • template=[]: The template definition to use
  • version=false: Show version and exit


Render a template

dynaconf -template ./examples/cfg.template:/tmp/cfg.json -param name=john

Render a template with additional environment variables

varsion="1.2.3" dynaconf -template ./examples/cfg.template:/tmp/cfg.json -param name=john

Render a template and validate output

dynaconf -template ./examples/cfg.template:/tmp/cfg.json:validate=json -param name=john

Render a template and run a command after

dynaconf -template ./examples/cfg.template:/tmp/cfg.json:exec="cat /tmp/cfg.json" -param name=john

Render multiple templates at the same time

dynaconf -template ./examples/cfg.template:/tmp/cfg.json \
-template ./examples/cfg2.template:/tmp/cfg2.json \
-param name=john -param year=2015