
python application for manage night guard of hospital services

Primary LanguagePython


python application for manage night guard of hospital services

In this project you will find how to:

1- Manipulating PyQt5 librery with python and use multiple PyQt elements(QtTableWidget, QtTab, .......) and importing .ui files from QtDesigner.

2- Database CRUD operation with SQLite.

3- Use the concept of multithreading and use threads to prevent GUI freezing (PyQT QThread).

4- Create and export PDF reports to local file with fpdf2 librery.

5- Create executable file for production.




Install the requirments in vertuel envirenment.

for create .exe file, use Pyinstaller:

          pyinstaller --onefile --windowed --icon=asstes\images\guard.ico --add-data="asstes\images\*.png;asstes\images" --add-data="asstes\images\*.ico;asstes\images" --add-data="ui\*.ui;ui" main.py

for create the Sqlite database execute the sql code in (create database.txt).

Importent: for production use Python 3.8 for wind7 and 3.10 for wind10 and put the database folder in same directory as .exe file generated by pyinstaller