Personalized knowledge graph that is shareable
- All developers to capture snapshot | path to file they want to copy from, startline, endline, or fullfile, name of snapshot, description, createdAt, last reviewed, |
- Directory to store file | this can always be updated by updating the snapshot config |
- Search for snapshot by name.
- Full-text search across all snapshot
- Push snapshots to git
- Make snapshot available to other developers - Knowedge graph.
- Visualize connection between snapshot.
- Each time a developer accesses the knowledge graph they do so using a unique-id
- This allows us track and display how knowledge is connected across developers.
- Components: CLI Interface, Snapshot Manager, Search Engine, Git integration, Knowledge graph
- Set up project structure and implement basic CLI
- Develop Snapshot Manager with local storage
- Implement Search Engine
- Add Git Integration
- Create Knowledge Graph functionality
- Enhance CLI with all features
- Optimize performance and add tests
- Document the project and prepare for release.