
High-performance Redis server implemented in Scala with ZIO.

Primary LanguageScala

dojodis 🍤

dojodis is an experimental high-performance Redis clone written Scala ZIO.

Supported Commands

dojodis server supports the following Redis commands: get, set, exists, incr, incrby, ping, del, keys


sbt run

redis-cli -p 6666 set my_name "Oto Brglez"
redis-cli -p 6666 get my_name
cat test.txt | redis-cli -h -p 6666

Silly benchmark

Although this is considered to be a very experimental project I was really tempted to make it compliant with redis-benchmark to see how it will perform.

Simple dojodis vs. Redis v7 benchmark

Benchmark was ran against Redis server v=7.0.0 sha=00000000:0 malloc=libc bits=64 build=efafb97113670c08 and here are the results for the common test suite. Raw data can be found here.

redis-benchmark -h -p 6666 -t get,set,incr,incrby,del -n 100000 -c 4 --csv



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