
A very opinionated "day tracker"

Primary LanguageRust

tdy - a very opinionated day tracker

tdy is a tool for writing and organizing daily notes.


  1. One day, one file.
  2. I want to use my $EDITOR for writing notes.
  3. I want to write everything as markdown.
  4. There should be namespaces for multiple projects in a person's life.


tdy open

That's it. Behind the scenes tdy creates a new markdown document in a temporary folder with a simple pre-defined template. Boots up your favourite text editor and waits for it to finish. After the editor is closed, it stores the file in your file system's $TDY_FILES (.tdy - by default) folder.

tdy names files with the following template <namespace>-<year>-<month>-<date>.md.

tdy respects your ENV and reads EDITOR, TDY_FILES, and SHELL respectfully.

Usage: tdy open [OPTIONS] --editor <EDITOR> --shell <SHELL>

  -n, --namespace <NAMESPACE>  [env: NAMESPACE=] [default: tdy]
  -t <TITLE>                   [default: ]
  -d, --date <DATE>
      --tdy-files <TDY_FILES>  [env: TDY_FILES=] [default: .days]
      --editor <EDITOR>        [env: EDITOR=vim]
      --shell <SHELL>          [env: SHELL=/bin/zsh]
  -h, --help                   Print help
  -V, --version                Print version


I use tdy for all my daily notes. I want it to be an easy, fast and non-invasive process. Then smart.

Default template

If the file for the day does not yet exists, it will create a new file with the following markdown template (with the current date-time!):

date: 2023-06-17
# 2023-06-17


This is a Rust project. To compile it you need rust toolchain and then:

cargo build
cargo build --release
./target/debug tdy
