
// export LC_ALL=ja_JP.UTF-8

deno c compatible standard library

It does not require any installation other than deno, and works in any environment supported by deno. By actually using the C shared library, C functions are called.

This library can be used for the following learning and verification purposes: (以下の学習や検証用途に使える)

  • Relationship between Arraybuffer, Uint8Array and lower layers
  • How to call and manage ff
  • Management of C-derived UnsafePointer

Notes. Memory allocation and release is optimistic. It cannot withstand a hard environment. If you need something hard, you should write using Rust or Go.

MacOS is not yet supported.


deno-msvc windowsのCライブラリ deno-cstdlib windows, linux, macのstdlib.hの関数軍 deno-cstdio windows, linux, macのstdio.hの関数軍 deno-cstring deno-csignal deno-cthread deno-cerror deno-ctime