
Brief Description

The objective of this challenge is to build a machine learning model to predict a measure of wealth as measured in household surveys using readily available inputs., have a look on Zindi.

About this Repository

This Repository contains an Unofficial Winning Solution Code for this Challenge .  Enjoy !

About this code

Solution Code Pipeline : 

   1. Data Processing : 
      1.1 Apply frequency Encoder to :  'Year','country','urban_or_rural' Columns . 
      1.2 Combine similar Features ( we sum them )
   2. Modeling : 
      Using Cross validation strategy with K=10 , We  trained an LGBM Model .     

Look for the team name : AKCE
Rank : 1/141


Name Zindi ID Github ID
Caleb Emelike @CalebEmelike @CalebEmelike