Code base of Python tools supporting - a web-application for Discogs Users that generates album recommendations and curates optimized Discogs shopping carts.
To install:
pip install git+
Classes related to fetching User interactions from database prior to fitting ALS recommendation model, connecting to Redis cache, and Discogs API user-authentication.
Classes related to collecting User profiles from Discogs, fetching and storing recommended release metadata for Batch recommendations, and recalculating single-user recommendations on-the-fly.
These are used in the recommendation microservices.
Classes related to scraping Discogs market listings and computing optimized shopping carts via a 0/1 knapsack-style algorithm.
These are used in the cart-building microservices.
- A message is published from Flask to kickstart the pipeline.
- collect_user_profile consumes message
- Checks to see if their profile in our database is up-to-date with Discogs.
- If not, publishes message to move on to step 3.
- If so, publishes message moves on to step 5.
- Serverless scrapers (Cloud Functions) are triggered to fetch wantlist/collection items for User in chunks so that our database is current and up-to-date.
- New interactions are stored in Postgres.
- Message is published to move on to step 4.
- log_user_up_to_date consumes messages from step 3 denoting success of function.
- These messages decrement a counter for the total number of chunks in transaction, to determine when all chunks have been successfully executed.
- This payload counter is a key/value in the Redis "Temp Cache".
- When all chunks have been executed, a message is published to move on to step 5.
- upsert_user consumes message that User's profile is up-to-date and ready to calculate recommendations.
- Fetches User's wantlist/collection items from Postgres.
- Formats User's interactions into a sparse user-item vector.
- Calculates User recommendations by feeding vector to most recent ALS matrix factorization model, see implicit ALS
methods for implementation details. - Stores User recommendations with recommendation score and release metadata to MongoDB as JSON.
Each step updates a Redis cache that stores the status of the request transaction. The front-end polls this status_update cache updating the User as different stages of the pipeline progress, and also lets the browser know when the Mongo database is finally ready to output album recommendations.
- They input and select criteria to customize their shopping carts from a web-form, specifying:
- Budget
- Minimum Media Condition (lowest accepted vinyl grade)
- Minimum Seller Rating
- Minimum Cart Quantity (number of records)
- Seller Location
- Wantlist-to-Recommendation Ratio (whether to compute carts with only recommended-albums, only wantlist-albums, or some mix of the two)
- When the criteria form is submitted, a message is published to kickstart the pipeline.
- get_candidates determines which Discogs releases to scrape for marketplace listings
- If only recommendation albums desired:
- Release_ids and recommendation scores pulled from MongoDB recommendation storage.
- If only wantlist items desired:
- Wantlist items pulled from Postgres and each given a uniform "recommendation score".
- If a mixture of wantlist & recommendation items desired, the top-N recommended releases will be mixed with a subselection of wantlist items to achieve desired ratio. Subselection of wantlist items is based on a random seed if the User's wishlist is larger than the desired proportion.
- Candidates are disqualified if their median selling price is greater than the User's budget.
- List of candidate release_ids and scores are published as message to Step 4.
- If only recommendation albums desired:
- trigger_market_scrapers handles determining which releases need market listings scrape and triggers serverless scrapers in batches.
- When a scraper extracts the market listings for a given release_id, it sets a key/value in Redis with a TTL of 24 hours. This means that every listing used to compute an optimized cart are out-of-sync with Discogs by at most 24 hours. I think this is reasonable enough, given my experience with Discogs.
- This step checks Redis before sending out triggers to Cloud Function scrapers to reduce the list of releases to scrape, if they've already been scraped within the last 24 hours.
- Remaining releases-to-be-scraped are chunked in batches and sent as Pub/Sub message triggers to Step 5. Note: total number of chunks sent as part of message to determine when total job is completed in Step 6.
- Serverless scrapers (Cloud Functions) are triggered to scrape market listings for batched release_ids.
- Market listings and seller information are persisted in Postgres.
- Message is published to move on to step 6.
- log_marketplace_success consumes messages from Step 5 denoting success of scraper function.
- Each message decrements a counter for the total number of chunks in transaction, to determine when all chunks have been successfully executed.
- This payload counter is a key/value in the Redis "Temp Cache".
- When all chunks have been executed, a message is published to move on to Step 7.
- build_carts performs an 0/1 knapsack algorithm to compute the best scoring shopping carts given the User's budget and other cart criteria.
- All market listings for candidate release_ids are filtered for User's cart criteria (see Step 1 criteria).
- Function that determines "score" is dictated by
quantity**2 * recommendation_score"
- Candidate market listings are grouped by seller.
- If the subtotal for a seller's inventory < budget, then score as-is.
- If the subtotal > budget, then flag this seller as needing "knapsack" algorithm.
- Knapsack algorithm performs some dynamic programming to determine the top-N best carts for these flagged sellers. More on that here: [insert link to blog post] Note: after the top-1 knapsack, you won't always get the subsequent-N top possible knapsacks, but it functions well enough as a heuristic (and is way more efficient than trying to iterate through all possibilities as a power-set).
- All candidate carts are then sorted by "score" descending.
- Top-ranked carts are stored to MongoDB with their constituting release and seller metadata. N is set to 20 carts here.
Each step updates a Redis cache that stores the status of the request transaction. The front-end polls this status_update cache updating the User as different stages of the pipeline progress, and also lets the browser know when the Mongo database is finally ready to output optimized shopping carts.