
Shared codebase for Discogs Assistant web-app tools

Primary LanguagePython


Code base of Python tools supporting discogsassistant.io - a web-application for Discogs Users that generates album recommendations and curates optimized Discogs shopping carts.

To install:

pip install git+https://github.com/otosky/discogs_assistant.git



Classes related to fetching User interactions from database prior to fitting ALS recommendation model, connecting to Redis cache, and Discogs API user-authentication.


Classes related to collecting User profiles from Discogs, fetching and storing recommended release metadata for Batch recommendations, and recalculating single-user recommendations on-the-fly.

These are used in the recommendation microservices.


Classes related to scraping Discogs market listings and computing optimized shopping carts via a 0/1 knapsack-style algorithm.

These are used in the cart-building microservices.

General Overview of the Application:

Infrastructure Overview

Recommendation-Related Services:

Recommendation In-Depth

When a User clicks to request their recommendations:

  1. A message is published from Flask to kickstart the pipeline.
  2. collect_user_profile consumes message
    • Checks to see if their profile in our database is up-to-date with Discogs.
    • If not, publishes message to move on to step 3.
    • If so, publishes message moves on to step 5.
  3. Serverless scrapers (Cloud Functions) are triggered to fetch wantlist/collection items for User in chunks so that our database is current and up-to-date.
    • New interactions are stored in Postgres.
    • Message is published to move on to step 4.
  4. log_user_up_to_date consumes messages from step 3 denoting success of function.
    • These messages decrement a counter for the total number of chunks in transaction, to determine when all chunks have been successfully executed.
    • This payload counter is a key/value in the Redis "Temp Cache".
    • When all chunks have been executed, a message is published to move on to step 5.
  5. upsert_user consumes message that User's profile is up-to-date and ready to calculate recommendations.
    • Fetches User's wantlist/collection items from Postgres.
    • Formats User's interactions into a sparse user-item vector.
    • Calculates User recommendations by feeding vector to most recent ALS matrix factorization model, see implicit ALS recalculate_user methods for implementation details.
    • Stores User recommendations with recommendation score and release metadata to MongoDB as JSON.

Each step updates a Redis cache that stores the status of the request transaction. The front-end polls this status_update cache updating the User as different stages of the pipeline progress, and also lets the browser know when the Mongo database is finally ready to output album recommendations.

Cart-Related Services:

Cart In-Depth

When a User clicks to request optimized shopping carts:

  1. They input and select criteria to customize their shopping carts from a web-form, specifying:
    • Budget
    • Minimum Media Condition (lowest accepted vinyl grade)
    • Minimum Seller Rating
    • Minimum Cart Quantity (number of records)
    • Seller Location
    • Wantlist-to-Recommendation Ratio (whether to compute carts with only recommended-albums, only wantlist-albums, or some mix of the two)
  2. When the criteria form is submitted, a message is published to kickstart the pipeline.
  3. get_candidates determines which Discogs releases to scrape for marketplace listings
    • If only recommendation albums desired:
      • Release_ids and recommendation scores pulled from MongoDB recommendation storage.
    • If only wantlist items desired:
      • Wantlist items pulled from Postgres and each given a uniform "recommendation score".
    • If a mixture of wantlist & recommendation items desired, the top-N recommended releases will be mixed with a subselection of wantlist items to achieve desired ratio. Subselection of wantlist items is based on a random seed if the User's wishlist is larger than the desired proportion.
    • Candidates are disqualified if their median selling price is greater than the User's budget.
    • List of candidate release_ids and scores are published as message to Step 4.
  4. trigger_market_scrapers handles determining which releases need market listings scrape and triggers serverless scrapers in batches.
    • When a scraper extracts the market listings for a given release_id, it sets a key/value in Redis with a TTL of 24 hours. This means that every listing used to compute an optimized cart are out-of-sync with Discogs by at most 24 hours. I think this is reasonable enough, given my experience with Discogs.
    • This step checks Redis before sending out triggers to Cloud Function scrapers to reduce the list of releases to scrape, if they've already been scraped within the last 24 hours.
    • Remaining releases-to-be-scraped are chunked in batches and sent as Pub/Sub message triggers to Step 5. Note: total number of chunks sent as part of message to determine when total job is completed in Step 6.
  5. Serverless scrapers (Cloud Functions) are triggered to scrape market listings for batched release_ids.
    • Market listings and seller information are persisted in Postgres.
    • Message is published to move on to step 6.
  6. log_marketplace_success consumes messages from Step 5 denoting success of scraper function.
    • Each message decrements a counter for the total number of chunks in transaction, to determine when all chunks have been successfully executed.
    • This payload counter is a key/value in the Redis "Temp Cache".
    • When all chunks have been executed, a message is published to move on to Step 7.
  7. build_carts performs an 0/1 knapsack algorithm to compute the best scoring shopping carts given the User's budget and other cart criteria.
    • All market listings for candidate release_ids are filtered for User's cart criteria (see Step 1 criteria).
    • Function that determines "score" is dictated by quantity**2 * recommendation_score"
    • Candidate market listings are grouped by seller.
      • If the subtotal for a seller's inventory < budget, then score as-is.
      • If the subtotal > budget, then flag this seller as needing "knapsack" algorithm.
    • Knapsack algorithm performs some dynamic programming to determine the top-N best carts for these flagged sellers. More on that here: [insert link to blog post] Note: after the top-1 knapsack, you won't always get the subsequent-N top possible knapsacks, but it functions well enough as a heuristic (and is way more efficient than trying to iterate through all possibilities as a power-set).
    • All candidate carts are then sorted by "score" descending.
    • Top-ranked carts are stored to MongoDB with their constituting release and seller metadata. N is set to 20 carts here.

Each step updates a Redis cache that stores the status of the request transaction. The front-end polls this status_update cache updating the User as different stages of the pipeline progress, and also lets the browser know when the Mongo database is finally ready to output optimized shopping carts.