
xmpp chat bot written in go

Primary LanguageGoISC LicenseISC


gobot is a Simple chatbot written in golang

Initail work based on: https://github.com/mattn/go-xmpp/blob/master/example/example.go

gobot is under active development, the api may change w/out warning.

By itself, gobot just sits and listens for incoming messages. When a message is received, gobot passes the message on to any number of plugins. The plugins provide all the features of the chatbot.

Installing gobot

First, you'll need to have golang installed: http://golang.org/doc/install

Then, once that is working, all you need to do is:

$ go get github.com/gabeguz/gobot/cmd/gobot

Running a bot

gobot supports both slack and XMPP (jabber).

To connect to slack you'll need an API token, directions for getting one can be found at https://api.slack.com/bot-users aside from that, pick a name for your bot and enter the room you would like your bot to join.

$ gobot -protocol=slack -user=herman -pass=<slack api token> -room=bottest -name=herman

For xmpp you need a few extra bits of information. The hostname with port, the abber user, the users password, and the full address to the MUC you'd like the bot to join:

$ gobot -protocol=xmpp -host="jabber.my.domain:5222" -user="gabe@jabber.my.domain" -pass="hunter2" -room="#gobottest@conference.jabber.my.domain" -name="gobot"

Creating A Plugin

Creating a plugin is pretty easy, you just need to import the gobot library:

import (

And then implement 2 exported methods so that you conform to the bot.Plugin interface:

type MyPlugin struct {}

func (p MyPlugin) Name() string {
	return "MyPlugin v1.0"

func (p MyPlugin) Execute(msg bot.Message, bot bot.Bot) error {
	if msg.From() != bot.FullName() {
		bot.Send("Why, hello!")
	return nil

One last step, edit gobot/cmd/main.go and add a call to your new plugin to the []gb.Plugin slice:

plugins := []gb.Plugin{

and import the code in the import statement at the top of the file.

Finally, reinstall gobot $ cd $GOPATH/src/github/gabeguz/gobot/cmd && go install ./...