Wmn4j late-breaking-demo for ISMIR 2022

The purpose of the code in this repository is to demonstrate how wmn4j can be used to run analyses and searches on a score in parallel. All code can be found in the Main file.

How to run the code

  1. You need to have Java 17 and gradle available. The Gradle wrapper contained in the repository should take care of installing the correct version of gradle.
  2. Download a suitable score in MusicXML. This has been tested with the 4th movement of Beethoven's Symphony nr. 9.
  3. The easiest way to run the code and experiment with it, is to import this project to your IDE. Otherwise follow steps 4. and 5.
  4. The project can be built with ./gradlew build. An executable is packaged in the build/distributions/wmn4j-ismir-demo-0.1.0.zip file.
  5. Unzip the packaged application zip, e.g., with unzip build/distributions/wmn4j-ismir-demo-0.1.0.zip. To run the executable, run ./wmn4j-ismir-demo-0.1.0/bin/wmn4j-ismir-demo <path-to-musicxml-file>.