
Telegram Bot for exploring Spotify

Primary LanguageF#

Spotify Telegram Bot

Telegram Bot to explore Spotify.

Getting Started




  1. Go to Spotify Developer Portal
  2. Register new application
  3. Copy Client Id and Client Secret
  4. Add callback url of /api/spotify/callback function to allowed callback urls


  1. Contact to @BotFather in Telegram
  2. Create new bot
  3. Copy bot token


  1. Clone project
  2. Publish to Azure Functions or run locally
  3. Update Azure Functions app configuration according to table below
Parameter Required? Description
Database__ConnectionString true Connection string to PostgreSQL DB to store users and their spotify refresh tokens
Spotify__CallbackUrl true Callback url of function to handle Spotify callback. Should be url of api/spotify/callback function
Spotify__ClientId true Spotify app Client Id
Spotify__ClientSecret true Spotify app ClientSecret
Telegram__BotUrl true Url of your telegram bot. E.g. https://t.me/sptfyqbot
Telegram__Token true Telegram bot token


You can try this bot in Telegram

Built With

  • Telegram.Bot - .NET Client for Telegram Bot API
  • SpotifyAPI-NET - An API for the Spotify-Client and the Spotify Web API, written in C#/.NET
  • Azure Functions - More than just event-driven serverless compute


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

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