
This repository is about exercises the seletive process the programming school 42 São Paulo. We start with the basics with challenges in Shell + Git before on to more complex coding exercises in C Language.

Primary LanguageC

Basecamp - 42 São Paulo

Basecamp (Piscine) on the 42 São Paulo

This Repository

This repository was developed so that I could post the coded exercises for me during Basecamp at 42 São Paulo.

  • Shell:

    • The first two projects of the bootcamp are dedicated to learning basic to intermediate shell commands to seamlessly navigate through the terminal.
  • C Language:

    • The primary language learned at the 42's Piscine is C: dealing with variables, pointers, memory allocation, macros, as well as creating functions.
  • Git:

    • All projects are submitted via a remote git repository, which demands students to be at ease with such a system.

What is 42 and Basecamp?

Basecamp or Piscine it's a selective process to be a cadet (student) from worldwide network programming school call 42. There are more 30 campus around the world 100% tuition-free.

We start with the basics with challenges in Shell Script, where we write our first lines of code before moing on to more complex coding exercises in C Language for 24 days, everyday, Monday to Monday, any time coding with several hundred other candidates all hoping to earn the same prize: to be a full-time student at 42.

Throughout this experience, we try and failed, over and over again. That’s the point: learning the trial-and-error process builds stamina, determination, and process skills that are necessary to be a software engineer.

The Basecamp is done using the 42 style of learning:

  • No have teachers;
  • No have classes or courses;
  • No have books.

You work by yourself and in groups, ask your peers for help, help your peers, and complete projects.

Between 12.000 candidates inscribed on Brazil I was approved to be a offical cadet at 42 São Paulo after three processes fases and now I student on-line because pandemic situation. In this jorney I'm on the first trail to be certicaded as "Human Coder".

More about 42