
React MUI datatable

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a project used to implement the datatable component.

Currently 2 kinds of datatable are implemented:

  • Client: manages a whole set of data (pagination, sorting and filtering can be addressed by the table itself clientside)
  • Rtk: manage a set of data retrieved through RTK query (server-side pagination sorting and filtering)

It's designed to work with MUI, but you can write your own adapter to support other design frameworks


  • ramda
  • smooth-dnd
  • react-csv
  • dayjs

If using the RTK variant:

  • redux
  • react-redux
  • @reduxjs/toolkit

If using the MUI adapter:

  • styled-components
  • @fontsource/roboto
  • @mui/icons-material
  • @mui/material
  • @mui/styled-engine-sc


import MuiAdapterContext from 'DataTable/Adapters/Mui/MuiAdapterContext.js'
import { useTranslation } from 'react-18next'
import DefaultDataTableContext from './DataTable/DefaultDataTableContext'
import DataTable from 'DataTable'
import DataProvider from 'DataTableProvider'

const MyComponent = () => {
  // translation function
  const { t } = useTranslation()
  // the DataTable component is memoized, so pay attention to complex props!
  const vehicles = [{ id: 1, name: 'FIAT 500'}, ...]
  const LIST_DISPLAY = useMemo(() => ['id', 'name'], [])
  const onFilter = useCallback(
    (handleClose) => <Modal onClose={handleClose}>FILTERS</Modal>,
  const onRefetch = useCallback(() => { /* refetch data */ }, [])
  const onExpandRow = useCallback((record) => <div>Some record related stuff</div>, [])
  const actions = useMemo(() => [{ id: 'EDIT', label: 'Edit', icon: <Edit /> }, ...], [])
  const handleAction = useCallback((actionId, record, records) => { /* do something */ }, [])
  const SEARCH_FIELDS = useMemo(() => ['id', 'name'], [])

  return (
    <DataTableProvider context={{ ...MuiAdapterContext, ...DefaultDataTableContext, t }}>

Common props

Prop Type Required Default Description
adapter string false mui ui adapter
variant string false client datatable variant: client | rtk
id string true Unique identifier of the datatable
size string false small Size of the table and of the fields
selectable bool|function true false Whether to allow rows selection or not. If a function will be called for each record, and the checkbox is shown if it returns true
selected array false [] The selected records
onSelect function false The function called when the selected rows change, receives the new selected rows as argument
noBulkSelection bool false false Disable bulk selection (page and all rows)
noAllSelection bool false false Disable all rows selection
selectOnRowClick bool false true If true the record can be selected clicking everywhere in the row
!highlightSelectedRows bool false true If tre selected rows are highlighted (bg color)
model object true The model represented by the table (see below sections)
data array true The table data
onRefetch function false A function which activate the refetch button and it's called when clicking it
isLoading bool false false If data are being fetched
defaultPageSize int false The default page size. Page size is determined with the following priority: stored value - this prop - model defined - config (10)
noPageInputField bool false false Hide the page input field
defaultSortField string false The default sorting field. Sorting field is determined with the following priority: stored value - this prop - model defined - config (id)
defaultSortDirection string false The default sorting direction (asc | desc). Sorting direction is determined with the following priority: stored value - this prop - model defined - config (asc)
noSorting bool false false Disable sorting
renderContext object false {} A context passed to the model render function, used to customize field value
noToolbar bool false false Hide the toolbar (selection info and buttons)
noSettings bool false false Hide the settings icon
storePageAndSortInSession bool false true Whether to save current page and sorting field and direction in a session storage
listDisplay array true A list of fields that should be displayed by default (actually displayed fields may vary, depending on user stored settings)
noExport bool false false Hide the export to csv functionality
onFilter function false Function which receives a cose handler and should return a modal filtering form
isFilterFormActive bool false Whether or not some any filter is active
actions array false [] List of available record or bulk actions (see below sections)
onAction function false Function called when an action is triggered, it receives an object with the action id, the record (record action) and the records (bulk action)
fullTextSearchFields array false A list of fields which should be considered when performing full text search. If empty the functionality is disabled
onExpandRow function false A function which returns the node displayed in the accordion. It receives the record which should be expanded
onExpandRowCondition function false T (ramda) A function which reeives the record and should return true if it should be expandable, false otherwise
noColumnsResizing bool false Disable the column resizing feature: table behaves like a normal table
noSticky bool false Disable the sticky behavior of the first field column and the actions column

RTK props

Prop Type Required Default Description
qsAdditions object false {} Querystring parameters other than pagination and sorting stuff
refreshData function true Function used to trigger a data refresh, it receives the new query string in the form { base: { page, pageSize, orderBy, orderType}, qsAdditions }
count int false -1 The total number of table data, -1 means that total number is unknown

Context, Adapters & Customization

DataTable uses many UI components. It comes with a MUI adapter. You can write your own adapters, or override the default one in some parts, but make sure to export all the components exported in Adapters/Mui/MuiAdapterContext.


// import MuiAdapterContext from 'DataTable/Adapters/Mui/MuiAdapterContext'
// import DefaultDataTableContext from 'DataTable/DefaultDataTableContext'
// import styled from 'styled-components'

const NewTableRow = styled.tr`background: #eee;`

<DataTableProvider context={{ ...MuiAdapterContext, TableRow: NewTableRow, ...DefaultDataTableContext, t: (stringId) => stringId }}>
  <DataTable .../>

Also DataTable uses a translation function for strings, it has a simple default one, but you can use your preferred one (i.e. react-i18next), just pass it to the DataTableProvider context.

In the same way, you can inject your custom storage functions. Datatable uses two different storages:

  • one is used to store table settings and column widhts. It's managed through two functions: fromStorage and toStorage. Both can be async. By default two functions are provided which use the browser localStorage.
  • the other is used to store current page and sorting info. It's managed through two functions: fromSessionStorage and toSessionStorage. Both must be sync. By default two functions are provided which use the sessionStorage.


Some functionality can be configured changing the Config values.

RTK utils

You can use an utility hook to avoid too much boilerplate code:

const { qs, data, isFetching, refetch, refreshData, count } = useRtkQuery(
  'campaigns', // dataTableId
  useCampaignsQuery, // rtk endpoint
  qsAdditions, // qs additions
  { field: 'id', direction: 'asc' }, // default sorting



export default {
  primaryKey: 'id,name', // can be a field or a comma separated list of fields
  sort: {
    field: 'id', // default sort field
    direction: 'asc', // default sort direction
  fields: [
      id: 'id', // field unique identifier
      label: 'ID', // field label
      type: 'int', // field type
      id: 'name',
      label: 'Name',
      type: 'string',
      id: 'maxSpeed',
      label: 'Max Speed',
      type: 'int',
      disableSorting: true, // disable sorting by this column
      id: 'status',
      label: 'Status',
      type: 'string',
      render: (record, renderContext) => { // custom value rendering
        return (
            <span style={{ color: 'blue' }}>{record.status}</span>
      sortingValue: record => record.status, // value used for sorting purposes
      csvValue: record => 'cippa' // CSV value (export)


actions: PropTypes.arrayOf(
    id: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
    label: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
    icon: PropTypes.node,
    permission: PropTypes.func,
    condition: PropTypes.func,
    type: PropTypes.oneOf([RECORD_ACTION_TYPE, BULK_ACTION_TYPE]), // if undefined both types are allowed

The onAction callback receives the following argument:

  id: 'action id',
  record, // if record action, the record
  records, // if bulk action, the list of records


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