
Yet Another Django Cookiecutter Template

Primary LanguagePython

Django Cookiecutter

Yet another django cookiecutter template.

It provides a fully working dev environment in a docker container, a convenient cli with autocompletion to perform common tasks, an ansible command to set up the remote machine and fabric scripts with many deploy utilities.


Please follow this article in order to use Linux user namespaces to fix permissions in docker volumes.


  • Local environment running inside 2 docker containers, one for the app and one for the database.
  • Development ready django project with all packages installed and database created and ready to go.
  • Set of bin commands to perform common tasks.
  • Set of production bin commands to perform machine setup (ansible) and deploy (fabric).

Project details:



  • jQuery
  • moment.js
  • Semantic UI
  • FontAwesome
  • air-datepicker
  • Swiper
  • Tocca

Getting started

Install cookiecutter

$ pip install cookiecutter

Install docker-compose, see the official docs.

Run the cookiecutter command

$ cookiecutter https://github.com/otto-torino/django-cookiecutter

Then you should answer some questions:

Question Type Description
Project Name String The project name, site title
Project Description String The project description, site meta description
Repo Name String The repository name
Core Name String Name of the main application module
Admin Enum
django-baton | default | django-suit | django-grappelli
The admin application
Use filer Boolean
Whether to install django-filer or not
Use disqus Boolean
Whether to install django-disqus or not
Use subject imagefield Boolean
Whether to install django-subject-imagefield or not
Use sorl thumbnail Boolean
Whether to install sorl-thumbnail or not
Use captcha Boolean
Whether to install django-simple-captcha or not
Language Code String The language code django setting
Timezone String The timezone django setting
Author String The application author
Email String The admin e-mail used to send erro e-mails with trace
Ubuntu Version Enum
16.04 | 18.04 | latest
The ubuntu version used for the docker container
Remote User String The remote user used during deploy
Remote Password String The remote user password
Domain String The domain of the deployed application
Db User String Remote database user used by the application
Db User Password String Remote database user password
Web App Dir String Deploy path of the application


Your new cool installation comes with a command line interface you can use to launch commands that will be executed in the docker container.

Command Description
--help Prints the help summary
--start Starts the development environment
--clean Removes containers and volumes
--shell Opens a shell in the app container
--createsuperuser Creates a superuser account
--manage [command] Executes python manage.py [command] in the app container
--remote [command] Executes a command in the remote production server

Let's see in the detail the remote commands:

Remote command Description
setup Executes the setup of the remote machine (install necessary packages, creates users, folders and db)
createReleaseArchive Craetes a release archive in the releases folder
deploy Performs a deploy in production
rollback Rollbacks to the previous release in production
getRemoteRevision Returns the current revision deployed in production
dumpDbSnapshot Dumps and downloads a production db snapshot
loadDbSnapshot Dumps and downloads a production db snapshot and loads it in the local db
loadDb Loads the current production db already downloaded in the local db
offline Puts the site in maintenance mode
online Removes the maintenance mode
reloadServer Reloads the web server
restartUwsgi Restarts uWSGI service
restart Restarts services and reloads the web server


The provided cli supports autocompletion through argcomplete. If you want to benefit of it (not mandatory), you need to install it on your machine and activate it globally.


$ pip install argcomplete
$ mkdir ~/.bash_completion.d
$ activate-global-python-argcomplete --dest=~/.bash_completion.d
$ echo ". ~/.bash_completion.d/python-argcomplete" >> ~/.bashrc


The problem with OSX is that it comes with a quite old version of bash which does not support all recent source command options.
Better update it.

$ brew install bash
$ sudo bash -c 'echo /usr/local/bin/bash >> /etc/shells'
$ chsh -s /usr/local/bin/bash
$ pip install argcomplete
$ activate-global-python-argcomplete
$ echo ". /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/python-argcomplete" >> ~/.bashrc
$ echo "[ -r ~/.bashrc ] && source ~/.bashrc" >> ~/.bash_profile

Starting from cloned project

  • Create the .virtualenv directory into the root directory
  • Create the logs directory into the root directory
  • Create a .env file in the root/project-name/project-name directory with the following content:
  • Launch ./cli.py --start


  • Add bootstrap 5 as cookiecutter option
  • Add staging environment