Elm on Phoenix Starter App

This starter app uses:

  • (Optional) asdf for version management

  • (Optional) Visual Studio Code for code editing

  • (Optional) ElixirLS for VS Code for Elixir support in VS Code

  • ExGuard to automatically run tests, etc.

  • Bootstrap for styling and components

  • Font Awesome for icons

  • PostgreSQL for database (using postgres user)

    By default, PostgreSQL sets up a superuser with username and password of "postgres". If you don’t have it configured this way, you can do so by running:

    createdb postgres
    psql postgres
    CREATE USER postgres;
    ALTER USER postgres PASSWORD 'postgres';


Steps used to create this starter app:

  • mix phx.new #{app_name}
  • cd #{app_name}
  • asdf local erlang #{erlang_version}
  • asdf local elixir #{elixir_version}
  • asdf local nodejs #{nodejs_version}
  • mix deps.get
  • mix ecto.create
  • cd assets && npm install
  • Configure task for Visual Studio Code to run Tests and the Phoenix web server
  • Ignore ElixirLS build artifacts directory .elixir_ls
  • Get production configuration from environment rather than config/prod.secret.exs
  • Still in assets directory...
  • npm install --save-dev elm-webpack-loader
  • Modify webpack.config.js rules to include the loader for Elm files
  • mkdir elm
  • cd elm
  • ../node_modules/.bin/elm init to create elm.json and src directory
  • ../node_modules/.bin/elm install elm/url to add elm/url as a direct dependency
  • Ignore Elm build artifacts directory elm-stuff
  • Create assets/elm/src/Main.elm
  • Create and add assets/static/images/.gitkeep
  • Remove assets/static/images/phoenix.png
  • Modify UI files to embed Elm application:
    • assets/js/app.js
    • lib/#{app_name_web}/templates/layout/app.html.eex
    • lib/#{app_name_web}/templates/page/index.html.eex
  • Modify page controller test so that it can pass test/#{app_name_web}/controllers/page_controller_test.exs
  • Add default mix test task to .vscode/tasks.json
  • Remove phoenix.css import from assets/css/app.css
  • Remove assets/css/phoenix.css
  • cd ../ to go to assets directory
  • npm install --save bootstrap jquery popper.js @fortawesome/fontawesome-free
  • npm install --save-dev file-loader
  • Modify webpack.config.js rules to include the loader for FontAwesome font files
  • Modify assets/js/app.js to import Bootstap and FontAwesome
  • Modify assets/css/app.css to include margin for navbar
  • Modify assets/elm/src/Main.elm for starter template with Bootstrap and Font Awesome
  • Install ExGuard and configure in .exguard.exs
  • Customize 404 and 500 error pages