Primary LanguageJavaScript

The task is to have a frontend for list of users in the company. Basically, it will have a single screen – a list (table?) of users, and a set of APIs that would just hit the mock providers.

Here is the workflow desired:

Get data from API

  • Display that data in table: DONE
  • Sort data in the table (by name, by email, by company name): DONE
  • Create a new user: DONE
  • Should open a modal window with the list of fields: DONE
  • Remove the user (icon in the table): DONE

Couple of technical requirements:

  • Please use https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/ for API requests: DONE
  • All interaction with API organize using class (classes): DONE, Axios instance
    • NOTE: this is not about functional (hooks) vs class approach in React.JS – this is just to make sure we have a separate file with class API(s).
  • Use react store context for a data store: DONE, React Context API
  • I would love to see some unit and/or component testing code. May be not even fully implemented but at least the path should be there.: DONE, small unit tests

As for styles, do not go over the board but do not have a minimalistic page as well. If you will be using Bootstrap or Material or something similar, please still add a few of your own custom styles so we can see how you create them. DONE, styled-components in the `./src/components/elements/Hero.jsx' component.


It took me 3.5 hours to do this from the scratch.