Pinned Repositories
Projeto feito para estudar a construção de uma API com PHP puro e consumir seus dados num frontend em React
This repository contains best profile readme's for your reference.
Simple SPA for generating random passwords.
Tool for generating reports from the REPL terminal of Python. The goal was to learn about OOP (Object-Oriented Programming) with classes, composition, inheritance and polymorphism. Also, how to read data from files (csv, json and xml), how to read terminal aguments with sys.argv and finally, how to implement the Strategy design pattern.
ottomicheletti's Repositories
Tool for generating reports from the REPL terminal of Python. The goal was to learn about OOP (Object-Oriented Programming) with classes, composition, inheritance and polymorphism. Also, how to read data from files (csv, json and xml), how to read terminal aguments with sys.argv and finally, how to implement the Strategy design pattern.
Projeto feito para estudar a construção de uma API com PHP puro e consumir seus dados num frontend em React
This repository contains best profile readme's for your reference.
An 8 Lesson course teaching everything you need to know about harnessing GitHub Copilot and an AI Paired Programing resource.
Challenges about algorithms complexity in Python.
Delivery app is my first Full Stack project developed with a group. The goal was to use all our knowledge to develop a delivery app with front and back-end while distributing work load through team members using a KanBan board. Done with JavaScript, React, Zustand, Axios, Node, Express, JWT and MySQL.
SPA to list and search products using MercadoLivre API. The goal was to learn about pair programming and manage a project assigning tasks to team members as this where made by a group of 5 people. Done with React and CSS3
Simple app to read and filter jobs from a CSV file. The goal was to learn the Python syntax, how to manipulate data in a list of dicts, how to read files from the system and finally, write tests with Pytest.
Learning to test JavaScript with Jest.
Challenges for querying a MongoDB database. The goal was to learn the MongoDB syntax and run basic CRUD operations.
Challenges for querying a MySQL database. The goal was to learn the SQL syntax and run basic CRUD operations.
Challenges for querying a MySQL database. The goal was to learn about INNER JOIN, normalization creation of tables.
Learning React Testing Library (RTL) to test a React application.
Recipes app was developed by a group of 4 people. The goal was to learn about team work and division of tasks using Trello as our KanBan board. Done with React and CSS.
Simple tool for a restaurant inventory management. The goal was to learn more about Dicts and Sets manipulation methods in Python.
Mock of an online store consuming MercadoLivre API through fetch-api. Done with HTML, CSS and vanilla JavaScript.
SPA for displaying the solar system and each mission done to any planet. Done with React and CSS. The goal was to learn about props.
SPA for fetching and filtering data about StarWars planets. The goal was to learn about Context API and HOFs. Done with React and CSS.
API developed to manage a store. The goal was to learn about MSC (Model, Service and Controller) architecture for building APIs and docker-compose.
API developed to manage watched talks. The goal was to learn about NodeJS, Express, middlewares and fs module. Done with NodeJS, Express and JavaScript.
TING (Trybe Is Not Google) is the penultimate project of Trybe's whole Web Development course. The goal of this project, was to learn about functional programming where after creating a class called Queue (OOP), functions were created to manipulate an instantiation of this class. Also, error handlings were done with custom stderr outputs.
Simple trivia game developed by a group of 4 people. The goal was to learn about team work and separation of concerns. Done with React and CSS.
Simple music player made with React consuming iTunes API. The goal was to learn about React-Router, conditional rendering and localStorage API.Done with React and CSS.
SPA for controlling finances. The goal was to learn about global state management with Redux and functional components. Done with React and CSS.
Learning form with controlled inputs to generate a report. Done with HTML, CSS and vanila JavaScript.
SPA for building a deck of cards mocking the Super Trunfo card game. The goal was to learn about class components state. Done with React and CSS.
Learning HOFs and object manipulation in JavaScript