
Example of handling authentication via auth0 and oauth authorization code grant flow.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


An example repository demonstrating how to do oauth authorization code grant authentication with refresh tokens with the https://auth0.com service.

Requires creating an https://auth0.com account and a custom api (https://manage.auth0.com/#/apis) once logged in. The created api can then be used for the backend. file. Copy /backend/server/.env.example to /backend/server/.env and fill in the details.

AUTH0_CALLBACK_URL=auth0 callback url
AUTH0_DOMAIN=api domain
AUTH0_JWKS_URI=jwks uri
AUTH0_CLIENT_ID=client id
AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET=client secret

On the frontend side copy the contents of the /frontend/.env.example file to /frontend/.env file.

Run npm install in both the frontend and the backend folders then npm start both. Frontend runs at http://localhost:3000 and the backend at http://localhost:3001.

In this version, the refresh token is stored in a http-only session cookie and the access token is returned as a query param to the frontend from which it is taken and stored in the local storage. In real life, a better solution would probably be to store a session id in either local storage or in a cookie and hold the actual session in a database like Postgres or an in-memory database such as Redis. There are tradeoffs in using local storage (XSS) and cookies (CSRF) for storing these details.


An example is available at https://ottokivikarki.co/auth-example.