
Prometheus exporter for Huawei FusionSolar API, primarily focused on photovoltaic plants hardware.

Primary LanguageRust


Prometheus exporter for Huawei PV inverters.

Exported metrics

  • day_power: total amount of power generated in current day (in kWh)
  • device_active_power: active power reported by device
  • device_temperature: actual temperature reported by device

Device support

Currently, the only device with implemented KPI fetching is String Inverter:

  • StringInverter (device type 1)

To create feature request for any specific device, create an issue with device dump:

$ curl


  • FusionSolar API has very restrictive API throttling in place. With data being updated not more often than every 5 minutes, it's highly recommended to set the FS_INTERVAL to at least 120 seconds.


requires cross1 for musl cross-compilation

Set FS_USERNAME, FS_PASSWORD and FS_INTERVAL variables in .env file, then:

$ make
cross build --release --target x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
   Compiling fusionsolar-rs v0.1.0 (/project)
    Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 1m 45s
$ docker compose build
[+] Building 6.2s (7/7) FINISHED
 => => exporting layers
 => => writing image sha256:809116c361369209673dc927a119e2235d59c4cbe2bc2f7f26b4755622dcdf73
 => => naming to docker.io/library/fusionsolar-rs_fusionsolar-rs
$ docker compose up
fusionsolar-rs-fusionsolar-rs-1  | Rocket has launched from
$ curl
# HELP day_power total amount of power generated in current day (in kWh)
# TYPE day_power gauge
day_power{station_code="sta_code"} 0
# HELP device_active_power active power production reported by inverter
# TYPE device_active_power gauge
device_active_power{device_id="1000000011111111",device_type_id="1",station_code="sta_code"} 0
# HELP device_temperature device reported temperature
# TYPE device_temperature gauge
device_temperature{device_id="1000000011111111",device_type_id="1",station_code="sta_code"} 0


  1. https://github.com/rust-embedded/cross