
🚀 Yet another simple tool to manipulate your Amazon Cognito user pools : https://cognito-jackpot-web-app.herokuapp.com

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Amazon Cognito Jackpot



This repository is a monorepo managed using Lerna. This means that we publish many packages to NPM from the same codebase.

To learn more about Lerna and their concepts, see the documentation here

Project structure :

|- lerna.json _______________________________ # learna config file
|- package.json _____________________________ # NPM config file
|- packages _________________________________ # Application packages
|  |- bot/  _________________________________ # The chat bot version
|  |- intellij-extension/ ___________________ # The intellij IDEA extension
|  |- rest-api/______________________________ # The REST API
|  |- visual-code-extension/ ________________ # The VS Code editor extension
|  |- web-app/_______________________________ # The web app
|    |- views/ 
|       |- index.ejs ________________________ # The main template      

Installation :

1- Fork and clone the repo : git clone git@github.com:ouadie-lahdioui/cognito-jackpot.git

2- Install npm packages : npm install

3- Start the rest-api server using npm start :

cd packages/rest-api
npm install
npm start

4- Build and start the web-app :

cd packages/web-app
npm install
npm run build
npm start

This will be start a web server on port 8080 : http://localhost:8080

Contributing :

If you are interested in fixing issues and contributing directly to the code base, take a look at the issue list.

Feel free to create new ones or help project grow by sending your Pull Requests.


cognito-jackpot is a pet projecte licensed under the MIT license.