
Stacks, Queues - LIFO, FIFO Project

Primary LanguageC


Monty 0.98 is a scripting language that is first compiled into Monty byte codes (Just like Python). It relies on a unique stack, with specific instructions to manipulate it. The goal of this project is to create an interpreter for Monty ByteCodes files.

  • What do LIFO and FIFO mean
  • What is a stack, and when to use it
  • What is a queue, and when to use it
  • What are the common implementations of stacks and queues
  • What are the most common use cases of stacks and queues
  • What is the proper way to use global variables
Data Structures
 * struct stack_s - doubly linked list representation of a stack (or queue)
 * @n: integer
 * @prev: points to the previous element of the stack (or queue)
 * @next: points to the next element of the stack (or queue)
 * Description: doubly linked list node structure
 * for stack, queues, LIFO, FIFO
typedef struct stack_s
        int n;
        struct stack_s *prev;
        struct stack_s *next;
} stack_t;


 * struct instruction_s - opcode and its function
 * @opcode: the opcode
 * @f: function to handle the opcode
 * Description: opcode and its function
 * for stack, queues, LIFO, FIFO
typedef struct instruction_s
        char *opcode;
        void (*f)(stack_t **stack, unsigned int line_number);
} instruction_t;
