
A 21st century .plan for Duncan McGreggor

Primary LanguageHTMLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

oubiwann | blog

A 21st century .plan for Duncan McGreggor

Visit: https://oubiwann.github.io/blog/


  • GNU make
  • The sass CSS compiler (which requires having npm installed)

Set the PATH to include the project's executable and setup auto-completion:

$ export PATH=$PATH:`pwd`/bin
$ source dev-resources/shell/ob-bash-autocompletion

Creating Post Stubs

$ ob new post md

or, for example,

$ ob new post rfc5322

For more options see ob new post help.

Generating Static Files

$ ob gen

If you'd like to run a dev web server with the generated content served at the doc root, you can use this make target:

$ make blog-dev-gen

Checking Metadata and Content


Developing Content

Start up the REPL:

$ lein repl

Regenerate the content and start the local dev server:


Edit files, reload the Clojure namespaces, and regenerate the content:
