
Self-refreshing Github Actions dashboard

Primary LanguageShell

Github Actions dashboard

This tool generates a dashboard that shows live status of all github action workflows in a given set of github repositories.

The generate.sh script can read input files that contain single line records of github repositories, scan all workflows listed in .github/workflows and generate a markdown file that shows the current status of each workflow.


generate.sh [-h] -o OUTFILE [-i FILE]...

    -h  display this help
    -i  input file path
    -o  output markdown file path

You can provide multiple input files. The input file value can be a local file path or an http(s) url.

Input files must have a github repository name per line that follows the syntax <user-or-org>/<repo>.

Lines beginning with # are treated as comments.


./generate.sh -o samples/gcp.md -i samples/gcp-repos \
  -i https://raw.githubusercontent.com/arjun024/actions-dashboard/master/samples/some-other-gcp-repos

See samples for sample inputs and sample output.


You can use a github-workflow like this that runs the generate script every day to see if any workflow files have been added/removed from the repos listed in the input files.

How to use

  • Fork this repository
  • Edit the sample input to list your repositories or create an input file or point to to your list of repos elsewhere
  • Run the generate script with the required options
  • Edit .github/workflows/check-for-workflows.yml to run generate.sh with your command options in the Generate step.