A collection of Jupyter notebooks to play with NVIDIA's StyleGAN3 and OpenAI's CLIP for a text-based guided image generation.
Jupyter Notebook
- apprisi
- borzunovYerevan, Armenia
- brunotech
- chamakits
- CypherousSkies
- dclm
- derekphilipauGlazy & Brooklyn Museum
- devwearsprada
- edwag@OxfordML
- felixgao
- flipkastLondon
- freerafiki
- frvalenzuela
- gjk287
- gustavecortalFrance
- hannibalmo
- hunterfrerich
- JaeDukSeo
- jgmontoyaChile
- jstenner
- kanttouchthis
- matigekunstintelligentieMatigeKunstintelligentie
- mcartagenah
- mogaioIreland
- otakbekuLemaries
- raijinspecialThe Milky Way
- scf4
- shyamsn97
- skonb
- smellslikemlSmellsLikeML
- tanius
- Vbansal21None
- vin-niungroup.group
- weixin00
- whiteadUniversity of Rochester//FutureHouse
- Xthkeer