
A practice Twitter-like project for Rails

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


A practice Twitter-like project for Rails.

Notes for Ruby Hack Day V

  • Create new actions in Users controller: login, process_login and logout

  • The form in login.html.erb

      <%= form_for(@user, :url => { :action => "process_login" }) do |f| %>
  • Practice how to use 'session'

    • In process_login action:

      `session[:id] = user.id`
    • In logout action:

  • Create a method, authenticate, in User model for simplifying the code in the controller

      def self.authenticate(user_info)
        find_by_name_and_password(user_info[:name], user_info[:password])
  • config/routes.rb

      root :to => "barks#index"

Notes for Ruby Hack Day IV

  • Add status updating page

      $ rails generate model Bark status:string
      $ rake db:migrate
      $ rails generate controller Barks new
  • Try belongs_to and has_many

    • Bark belongs_to User
    • User has_many Barks
  • Create <select> tag by collection_select(:bark, :user_id, User.all, :id, :name)

  • We still need to add user_id to make Bark belongs_to User

      $ rails generate migration AddUserIdToBarks user_id:integer
      $ rake db:migrate
  • Try bark.user.name to feel the magic of Rails!

Notes for Ruby Hack Day II

  • Start a Rails app

      $ rails new barker
      $ rails generate model User name:string email:string fullname:string password:string created_date:timestamp
      $ rails generate controller Users new index
  • Create the database for your Rails app. Please refer the list by '$ rake -T'

      $ rake db:setup


      $ rake db:migrate
  • config/routes.rb

      resources :users
      root :to => "users#new"
  • Seperate your form by

      <%= render 'form' %>

    and create a new .erb file called _form.html.erb

  • What's the difference between redirect_to and render?

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