The Hidden Challenge
- web-coding-challenge
- forgive my css it's not good i know it , but i did my best to handle the fonctional spec mentioned earlier , and i did it as quick as i can to deliver the challenge in reduce the Time to market or at least to deliver an acceptable MVP
- $ git pull
- $ composer install
- $ npm install
- import DB by inserting hidden.sql file found in the repo
- $ php artisan migrate
- $ php artisan serve
- Laravel 5.7
- VueJs 2
- Axios
- As a User, I can sign up using my email & password
- As a User, I can sign in using my email & password
- As a User, I can display the list of shops sorted by distance
- As a User, I can like a shop, so it can be added to my preferred shops
- liked shops shouldn’t be displayed on the main pageliked shops shouldn’t be displayed on the main page
- [BONUS] As a User, I can display the list of preferred shops
- [BONUS] As a User, I can remove a shop from my preferred shops list
- email :
- password : user1234 *