
Primary LanguageC

C Language Q&A Game

This code implements a simple question and answer game using C language. It presents a set of multiple-choice questions to the user and evaluates their answers. The code includes a data structure to store the questions and their corresponding choices and correct answers.

Code Overview

The code can be summarized as follows:

  1. It includes necessary header files: stdio.h, unistd.h, and ctype.h.
  2. It defines a structure named questions to represent a question and its possible answers.
  3. The main function starts the execution of the program.
  4. It initializes an array of questions named MCQ with 20 predefined questions, choices, and correct answers.
  5. Variables nbr_right_ans, score, game_number, answer, count, and Q_Aanswer are declared.
  6. The program displays a welcome message.
  7. It asks the user if they are ready to play the game.
  8. If the user enters 'n', the program ends. Otherwise, the game continues.
  9. The program iterates through each question in the MCQ array.
  10. It displays the question and its choices to the user.
  11. The user enters their answer.
  12. The program checks if the answer is correct and updates the score accordingly.
  13. After answering all the questions, the program displays the number of games played, the score, and the number of correct answers.
  14. The program repeats the game loop until the user chooses to exit.
  15. If the user chooses to exit, the program displays a goodbye message and terminates.

How to Run

To run the code, follow these steps:

  1. Compile the code using a C compiler.
  2. Execute the compiled program.
  3. Answer the questions by entering the corresponding choice number.


Contributions to the code are welcome. Feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue for any improvements or bug fixes.


For any inquiries or questions, you can reach out to the author at oussama oulaydi.