I'm a student at the Private University of Marrakech (UPM). My professional goal is to become a great IT manager. My ambition for the future is to continue to learn and improve myself to achieve my professional goal. I enjoy coding and learning new things such as languages... With 2 years of experience,
- Programming
- Coding
- Become a software engineer
- Eating hh
- C/ Java/ Python/ Php/ Shell
- MySQL/ Vb.net/ Git/ networking/ Html/ CSS
- My Portfolio : oulaydi.github.io/oulaydi-s-portfolio/
- ALX Project
- student at the Private University of Marrakech (UPM), second year.
- and a ALX Student, this is my first repository as a full-stack engineer
Feel free to reach out to me through any of these channels. I'm always interested in connecting with fellow developers and professionals in the field.
Looking forward to collaborating and sharing knowledge with the community!