
GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

PLCC Workshop - SIGCSE 2024

Pre-Workshop Setup

Before attending the workshop, please try to complete the instructions linked below. If you are not able to, no worries, we'll have you team up with someone who has.


  • 20m Welcome

    • 10m PLCC Overview
    • 10m Team Up and Setup
  • 35m Lexical Analysis

    • 10m Pres
    • 20m Exercise
    • 5m Solution
  • 35m Syntactic Analysis

    • 10m Pres
    • 20m Exercise
    • 5m Solution
  • 10m Break

  • 30m Semantic Analysis

    • 5m Pres
    • 20m Exercise
    • 5m Solution
  • 30m Curriculum (V6, ABC, OBJ)

  • 20m How to Adopt