
Steam Depot Download Tools

Primary LanguagePython

Steam Depot Tools

Steam Depot Convenient tools for https://github.com/oureveryday/DepotDumper and https://github.com/oureveryday/DepotDownloaderMod.
All files are written by batch file.

Update: Added storage_depotdownloadermod.py to generate a bat file to download with depot keys and manifests from https://github.com/wxy1343/ManifestAutoUpdate/


  • Dump Steam Depot Keys.
  • Dump Steam App/Package Access Tokens.
  • Download Depot With Depot Keys.



  • Download all files and run "SteamDepotTools.cmd"


For bugs please report in issues.

Please Make Sure Tool Folder DO NOT have NON-English character and Without SPACE to Avoid Problems.